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EXPERIENCE COLLEGE BEFORE COLLEGE Research Enhanced Topic Outline This outline will help you organize the research and document analysis you have completed into an essay format Your goal is to draft each section of your essay to begin forming a structure for your argument An outline can help you identify areas of strengths and weakness in your overall evidence and or argument and reveal new topics or connections to the thesis and evidence This part of the writing process is an important step in transforming your ideas into formal historical writing You will submit this outline and receive peer feedback before completing a rough draft essay Directions First write a short historical contextualization about your selected historical topic Then write a draft thesis about your primary source and the historical topic Next outline each paragraph using the P E A Chain strategy Point Evidence Analysis to support your thesis Your evidence should be clearly derived from your selected primary source Refer to your completed Document Analysis Activity to provide a detailed analysis Additionally add your insight about the source s value and limitations in relation to your historical topic Finally include source citations for your primary source document and any secondary source you used as main sources of information and ideas Topic Contextualization RET Outline 1 THESIS P E A Chain 1 Step 1 POINT 1 Write one POINT that supports your major claim thesis 1 Step 2 EVIDENCE 1 2 Write down the specific evidence you will use from the document supporting your POINT 1 Write a brief summary stating why this evidence is helpful in understanding your POINT EXPERIENCE COLLEGE BEFORE COLLEGE RET Outline 2 Step 3 ANALYSIS 1 3 Explaining how the evidence from your source supports POINT 1 P E A Chain 2 Step 1 POINT 2 Write one POINT that supports your major claim thesis 1 Step 2 EVIDENCE 2 2 Write down the specific evidence you will use from the document supporting your POINT 1 Write a brief summary stating why this evidence is helpful in understanding your POINT EXPERIENCE COLLEGE BEFORE COLLEGE RET Outline 3 Step 3 ANALYSIS 2 3 Explaining how the evidence from your source supports POINT 1 Source Evaluation and Insight Evaluate your primary source Include the value and limitations of the source as evidence related to your topic EXPERIENCE COLLEGE BEFORE COLLEGE RET Outline 4 EXPERIENCE COLLEGE BEFORE COLLEGE Citations Use the Chicago Manual of Style 15th or 17th editions and add all citations RET Outline 5

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