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Keegan Wendling Project 2 Taziki s Mediterranean Cafe Chapter 10 1 Megan Gibson is a manager at Taziki s restaurant in Auburn and as a head manager there are a lot of day to day decisions that have to be made I feel that every organization will have programmed and nonprogrammed decisions that will appear Megan may have quick straightforward decisions that don t take much thinking programmed such as making sure the employees are fulfilling their job duties Examples could be making sure the soda machine has ice making sure condiments supplies are out for the customers and that the restaurant is kept a clean environment etc Nonprogrammed decisions that take more unique cognitive thinking may come into play if there needs to be a new menu made or changing their online website It takes creativity and rational planning to explore new ideas for a menu or website 2 Taziki utilizes a more individual decision making style Every employee has their own job and they re responsible for what is under their job description It allows faster results and better accountability but there may be fewer ideas that are involved in the brainstorming of decisions 3 As a manager of an organization I would reduce groupthink by including participation from all employees and accept the cons of group decisions making so that every idea is heard I would have a way to reward employees for vocalizing opinions so that good helpful behaviors are being rewarded I may even have a devil s advocate that voiced conflicting opinions thoughts to respectfully challenge me as a manager Chapter 11 4 The most popular form of communication is verbal and written within Taziki s organization There is verbal communication used in meetings when topics need to be discussed in a timely manner This allows them to have immediate feedback convey emotion and feelings and allows there to be a specific time for any explanations that may need to be reiterated Verbal communication is used the most since it is important to relay important information in a timely manner when running an organization Written communication is for a more permanent factual message that needs to be delivered This could include emails stating when and where meetings will be held dress code for employees policies and rules that everyone must abide by etc 5 Barriers that may occur and affect written communication may be emotional disconnect If there is no personal vocalized interaction between the manager and employees that may put a negative impact on their working relationship Written communication can sometimes be misleading when you cannot see and be there with the sender of what they are trying to convey This could lead to workplace gossip or biased language among the entire faculty 6 Noise can occur in organizations on the sender s manager end affecting how they are able to transmit a message to the receiver employees Distance within the manager and employees could be noise it could affect verbal face to face communication that interferes with their relationships There may be written communication such as emails or technological updates that may not be sent out to employees due to a family crisis unexpected loss or an illness of the manager Chapter 12 7 Working alone and within groups is an important skill to have when in any organization Tazikis employees get a taste of both however it takes a group to reach their common purpose and goals Each employee has a specific job task such as cooking the food waiting tables bringing the food out to each table checking customers out etc Those are specific job tasks that are done individually that each employee shares the same end goal Working with groups may come to play when they are understaffed for example when covid first hit It took the employees to work together to accomplish tasks and maybe go out of their specific job description to keep the organization running 8 When this organization is working in groups it is a traditional approach of leadership The manager serves as a leader and makes sure every employee has a role to effectively achieve common workplace goals I feel that self managed groups could potentially run into issues such as conflicts with who is in charge and who to look to when there are issues within the organization 9 Group cohesion is important in an organization because it allows the organization to stay 10 committed to one another and act as one Taziki s does a great job of keeping all employees and managers committed to each other Increasing cohesion within groups could mean encouraging communication among the members whether to discuss issues or highlight the positives within the groups or maintain a positive and healthy work environment Interactions with the organization outside of work such as team lunches or games may help build trust with one another to increase cohesion Social loafing can cause many issues and set back within an organization When individuals don t fulfill their job duties and responsibilities it could put the organization at risk and cause conflicts I am sure Tazikis has experienced employees that have fallen into social loafing because who hasn t experienced that at least once in their life Social loafing can be discouraged if the groups are kept smaller As groups continue to grow there will be more people who put the work on other members of the group causing them not to pull their weight Making sure there are rules for engagement for every member is also important to assure that every person is contributing Having a respectful open communication relationship with each member is healthy in terms of holding each person accountable as well A personal example of this would be high school group projects I would be carrying the entire group on my back because they felt that doing the bare minimum or nothing at all was okay because I would pick up the slack at the end of the day Chapter 13 11 Diversity within the workplace can be very rewarding It opens the floor to understanding others backgrounds hearing unique ideas allows you to view things from a new perspective etc Taziki s employees embrace diversity and understand how beneficial it can be They have created a culture with their HOPE project by working and hiring students young adults with special needs They do not view diversity as a negative thing perhaps as an opportunity to allow people of all race sex religion etc to be able to work within their organization 12 Hygiene factors are elements of a job that satisfy

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Auburn MNGT 3100 - Taziki’s Mediterranean Cafe

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