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not found in Georgia but common in California Brown banded roaches Details of Biology Ootheca with 13 18 eggs Glued to inconspicuous places such as behind furniture cabinets picture frames walls and ceilings Hatch in about 50 days Female can produce up to 14 oothecae in her lifetime about 6 months Nymphs molt 6 8 times over 5 6 months Need high temperature but can survive lower humidity than German roaches Occupy similar habitats as German roaches but can also occur higher up eye level and above Smokey brown roach Common in outdoor areas such as wood piles leaf litter of Georgia Will invade houses and can occupy similar areas as American roach Controlled largely through limiting entry to houses e g screens weather stripping reducing habitat Such as wood piles near the house can help Usually not a problem but if they find lots of food in a house they can become a problem sanitation rather than pesticides is the best option to reduce problems Wild roaches Strictly outdoors but will on occasion come in to get food Termites formerly their own order Isoptera recently merged into Blattodea Social roaches Nuisance invaders that are often confused with roaches can colonize homes but many are basically harmless Crickets Orthoptera Gryllidae Camel or Cave Crickets Orthoptera Gryllacrididae Earwigs Order Dermaptera Silverfish Order Thysanura Other Problem invaders Ants Hymenoptera Formicidae Argentine ants Fire ants Cockroach control Integrated pest management IPM strategy takes into account the biology of the pest to design an efficient plan for control integrates various control measures but can include pesticides as a last resort 1 Monitor to discover location of 3 things all peridomestic species need Food Water Harborage place to aggregate or hide 2 Then remove access to above needs as much as possible with sanitation clean dishes and countertops daily proper food disposal storage or by limiting movements caulk sinks seal around pipes 3 If a roach problem persists after access to food and shelter in denied you may have actively eliminate existing populations but try safe methods first insecticidal baits roaches carry them back to their colony and you do not need to spread throughout your house boric acid diatomaceous earth natural insecticides that are not toxic to people or pets insect growth regulators insect specific hormones that disrupt growth and development biocontrol living predators or insect pathogens to kill the roaches natural spiders help so keep them around last resort conventional insecticides best to use a professional applicator 4 After the problem is solved you still need to continue monitoring to detect any reinfestation and act quickly if found Insecticide Resistance eventually develops so pesticides are not a long term solution Behavioral resistance a heritable change in behavior that reduces exposure to insecticide e g fire ants now avoid insecticides Penetration resistance a heritable change in the cuticle that reduces the rate that insecticide penetrates into the insect Metabolic resistance a heritable change in the rate at which chemicals are metabolized and excreted Target site resistance a heritable change in the specific site at which an insecticide binds Regardless of mechanism resistance involves a genetic change How do you think insecticide resistance develops Myth by undertreating with a chemical the bugs come back stronger Individual tolerance Heritable Resistance them Fact by overtreating with a chemical either at one time or over long periods intense selective pressure is exerted on populations and resistance may evolve i e natural selection at work you future doctors this is the way you will contribute to antibiotic resistance by over prescribing The main ways insecticide resistance develops Over or widespread treatments rather than through correct judicious treatment follow the label Prophylactic just in case treatments rather than only when needed don t treat on a schedule but only when needed quickly Using long persistence chemicals that stay in the environment rather than ones that break down The DDT story first example of insecticide resistance DDT was developed in the 1940s and it effectively killed all kinds of insects and was inexpensive Folks used it for all kinds of purposes so insects even non target species were exposed The material persisted for long periods of time in the environment so exposure was prolonged long after intended goals were finished This intense selective pressure induced resistance is a wide assortment of insects It also caused toxicity problems with other animals birds Who most abuses pesticides Farmers Pest Control Operators General Public problem Professionals usually use minimal amount needed to save money so they are not the biggest General public often doesn t read labels but even if they do they don t follow the directions They often assume if a little bit is good more is better so over treat Plus they think what I do is not all that consequential right But impacts add up They are a big problem What kinds of insecticides are being produced now Ones with long persistence Ones used for numerous purposes Prophylactic treatments are encouraged All of these things will lead to resistance Why do they do it answer they create short term profits Lice Notes Order Phthiraptera Suborder Anoplura sucking lice Wingless Dorsoventrally flattened Small average around 2 mm Eyes reduced or absent Antennae 3 to 5 segmented Piercing sucking mouthparts retracted into head Legs with well developed claws for grasping hair About 500 described species Most 94 species feed on mammals 6 on birds Most species are very host specific 63 on a single host species only 13 on 4 or more different hosts Only 3 species feed on humans and they only feed on humans Buccal teeth on tip of labrum anchor louse to skin break off after feeding and causes irritation Stylets composed of the maxillae hypopharynx and labium are everted to penetrate blood capillaries True blood vessel feeders solenophage Robust tarsal claws allow firm attachment to host Claw sizes match hair shaft size of host human head hair or body hair hair size of other animals Human head and body lice also called cooties Pediculus humanus capitus head louse Pediculus humanus humanus body louse Both infest people but only body lice vector disease pathogens Head lice are only a nuisance Incomplete metamorphosis Under normal conditions 9 10 eggs day 270 300 total Adult lifespan about 31 34

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GSU BIOL 1103K - Brown Banded Roaches

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