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Wanted to maintain national boundaries Wanted to keep the French and the British from colonizing Argentina Gauchos were his police force In his attempt to unify the country he made them wear red ribbons Liberal opposition he sent people to be hung which is why he is considered a tyrant Overview know the pics from the book Argentina after liberalism Liberalism Patron Juan Manuel de Rosas Caudillo Owned slaves Gauchos were rural cowboys Samiento Rosas liberal opposite Camila O Garmon and her husband Latin American Romeo and Julie Manifest destiny US expanision Era of the Caudillo Santa Anna centralist leader Angel Columbia represented manifest destiny Antecedents to the Mexican American War Succession of Texas Mexico in a Civil War over the abolishment of slavery Remember the Alamo When Santa Anna sent his people to the Alamo and used it as a fort and he massacred Americans Also a symbol for Texas independence Propaganda Border dispute Texas becomes independent but no defined borders Santa Anna refuses to let the US use Texas as a gateway Most battles in Mexico City Look at march to Mexico City chart Battle of Mexico War ended with treaty of Guadalupe Mexico looks at the War as an American invasion after 1848 Central America breaks away from Mexico Benito Juarez Liberal leader Native represents people of native background becoming successful Birth of Latin America Conservatives invite French Monarch to fight liberal reform and Benito Maximilian and Carlota Cinco de May Battle of Puebla day not independence Chapultepec Castle Stained gained representing goddesses He tries to reason with the liberals He was asked to leave and he didn t so he was killed Carlota went insane took his body everywhere in hopes that he would awaken US and Nicaragua Strategic interest the canal Filibusters armed group of lobbyists private group not representing the US military Lobby and delay inflations Liberals invite William Walker most famous filibuster Instead of helping the Nicaraguans he declared himself presidents Costa Rica and Cholera intervene Symbolized a relationship of helping other Latin American countries Myth Juan Santa Maria goes into the battle and throws a lighted torch The disease Cholera William Walker greyed eyed man of Destiny Profirio Diaz Represents continuation of the caudillo His rule was called the profiriato Mexico at the End of the 19 th Century Historical Context The Ravages of War Political Instability 75 presidents in 55 years Corruption Economic Crisis in a lot of debt negative international image General Diaz originally a liberal military man turned against Benito who was an authoritarian Rurales his police force His goals were order and progress Palace of beautiful arts European look Price of Stability Railroads symbol of modernization of Mexico Cananea Strike Rio Blanco Strike The creelman interview Creel man Diaz Says he s not running for presidency again Centennial Celebration birthday party for himself Idalito strong women about revolutionary women in battle Tiger social forces that wanted change in long standing issues Taming the tiger Geography of revolution North Francisco villa Individualist wanted social change Bandit opportunist Center Francisco Madera South Zapata Represented land and liberty Regional autonomy state power Dollar diplomacy is the effort of the United States particularly under President William Howard Taft to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries this was always peaceful President Wilson least intervention 1917 constitution Lazaro Cardinas National alter mass donation to pay off US debt Economic ethnic nationalism Mestizos race Away from European foreign invests PRI Institutional rev Party largest running political party in Mexico Monroe Doctrine US intervention Spanish American War Renewed struggled Treaty of Paris Resulted in Spain surrendering control of Cuba Puerto Rico parts of the West Indies Guan and the Philippines to the United States in exchange for 20 million Jose Marti independence leader Our America The apostle foretold against the threat of US imperialism Founder of the Revolutionary Party Teddy Roosevelt wanted global power Invited to Cuba Platt Amendment Cuban missle crisis Justified US intervention in Cuba Bay of Pigs invasion United Fruit Company Chiquita Gunboat Diplomacy a 13 day confrontation between the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the United States on the other invasion was an unsuccessful military invasion of Cuba undertaken by a paramilitary group an American corporation that traded in tropical fruit primarily bananas grown on Central and South American plantations and sold in the United States and Europe allowed for foreign warships to be sent out to Latin America whenever wherever something went wrong La Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua was the national guard military police force of Nicaragua The Marines had links to paramilitaries and the Somoza family both of which had great power in Nicaragua Ruben Dario Augusto Sandino was a Nicaraguan poet who started a Spanish American literary movement was a Nicaraguan Nationalist who critized US Imperialism Though he wasn t a Marxist or Communist he was Anti imperialist like Jose Marti led a guerrilla war against US occupation in Latin America Augustin Farabundo Marti an El Salvadorian Communist who led a peasant uprising La Matanza Cuban Revolution otherwise known as The Slaughter 10 30 000 people had been killed over the course of 2 days Europeans had been imported into L America in an effort to Whiten the race The neocolonial model is shattered by the Great Depression stock market crash after which the US moves away from blatant intervention an armed revolt lead by Fidel Castro s 26th of July Movement It was against the government of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista ended on January 1 1959 when Batista was forced to leave the country and control of the cities Santa Clara and Santiago de Cuba was taken by rebels A vende patria otherwise known as a country seller was someone who Sold their self out to the US was the commander of the Army established by the US in the DR the head of the National Guard established by the US in Nicaragua Rafael Trujilo Anastasio Somoza Coca Cola originally had cocaine in it Jose Vasconcelos Minister of Education in Mexico and the author of La raza cosmica Gabriel Mistrel Jacobo Arbenz first Latin American winner of the Nobel Peace prize was a

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