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Final Exam Review Lectures 10 16 The exam will consist of multiple choice questions including T F and matching and short answers There may be a few essay options as well indicated in this document I would show all of the potential essay options and ask you to complete 1 2 of them in the actual exam All of these may not appear on the exam but I will draw all of my exam material from what I ve given you in this review Please note that on definitions or for more detail in my lectures I always include notes under the slides If you do not see a definition on the slide itself I suggest you check the notes Lecture 10 Marine Systems and Resources I 1 Know that oceans cover 71 of Earth s surface 2 Know that water is the universal solvent dissolves 52 of 97 elements found in nature 3 Know definition of salinity a Concentration of dissolved solids 4 Know what our worldwide average salinity is a 34 37 5 Know definitions of brine and brackish water a Brine salinity greater than average b Brackish salinity below average 6 Be able to explain where salinity rates would be higher or lower in the ocean and why try slide 10 a around the equator lots of precipitation through the year dilutes ocean water and lowers salinity from average in subtropical oceans evaporation rates are higher so salinity is higher than average b 7 Know what heat capacity is and how it relates to water It takes more energy to warm water than it does air a b Water has a high heat capacity 8 Know what the driving force behind surface currents is a Frictional drag from the wind 9 Know definition of gyres a The circulation systems around subtropical high pressure cells 10 Be able to give me two reasons why plastic is harmful to marine systems and life a Plastic items dumped into the sea harm or kill wildlife i Wildlife mistake it for food b Plastic is non biodegradable i Drifts for decades ii Breaks into tiny pieces 1 photodegrades 11 Know definition of photodegrade a tiny pieces of non biodegradable material 12 Know definitions of upwelling and downwelling a Upwelling b Downwelling i The vertical flow of cold deep water toward the surface i oxygen rich water sinks providing oxygen for deep water life 13 Know definition of thermohaline circulation a a worldwide current system i warmer fresher water moves along the surface ii cooler saltier denser water moves beneath the surface 14 Be able to explain how melting ice at our poles could affect this thermohaline circulation slides 25 29 30 circulation a a 15 Know definition of ENSO and know what it stands for El Nino Southern Oscillation a A systematic shift in atmospheric pressure sea surface temperature and ocean 16 If given descriptions be able to identify if conditions describe El Nino or La Nina 17 Be able to list two effects of El Nino be specific i e coastal fishing industries in East Pacific decline in El Nino several examples starting from slide 38 18 Know if there are fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic during El Nino Lecture 11 Marine Resources II Marine Pollution 1 Know definition of nonpoint source pollution a Comes from all over i Oil plastic chemicals excess nutrients 2 Know that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the largest accidental petroleum incident 3 Know that most oil pollution comes from non point sources be able to list two sources of in recorded history non point oil pollution a Small boat leaks runoff hulls by 2015 b Enacted in 1990 4 Know what the U S Pollution Act is and what year it was enacted a Created a 1 billion prevention and clean up fund requires that all ships have double 5 Know definitions of bioaccumulation and biomagnification a Bioaccumulation the accumulation of substances such as pesticides or other organi chemical in a organism b Biomagnification increase in concentration of a substance that occurs in a good chain as a consequence of persistence 6 Be able to describe what harmful algal blooms and red tide are a Algal blooms nutrients increase algae that produce powerful toxins b Red tide algae that produce red pigments that discolor the water 7 Be able to give me two harmful effects of red tides Illness and death to wildlife and humans a b Economic loss to fishing industries and beach tourism 8 Know that overharvesting is the worst marine problem 9 Know what percentage of fish populations are overexploited and at potential risk of extinction from lecture slide 11 a 28 of fish are over exploited and at risk of extinction 10 Be able to distinguish between different types of fish catching techniques driftnetting long lines and trawling a Driftnets long lines of nets that are used to catch schools of herring sardines mackerel sharks and shrimp b Long lines used for fishing tuna and swordfish c Trawling used for pelagic fish and groundfish 11 Know what factory fishing is a Where huge vessels use powerful technologies to capture fish in huge volumes i Even processing and freezing their fish at sea 12 Know definition of bycatch a The accidental capture of animals 13 Know what the Marine Mammal Protection Act is and what year it was enacted slide 15 notes gives you a detailed description of this act a Forced fleets to try and free dolphins b Enacted in 1972 14 Be able to give me two reasons that our global catch has remained stable for the past 20 years masking population declines in lecture a Fishing fleets have traveled farther to reach less fished areas b Fleets fish in deeper waters at 250m c Fleets spend more time fishing and set more nets 15 Be able to briefly tell me what fishing down the food chain means as fishing increases the size and age of fish caught decline as species become to rare to fish fleets target more abundant species 16 Be able to distinguish between Marine protected areas MPAs and Marine reserves a b a MPA along the coastlines of developed countries i still allow fishing or other extractive activities b Marine Reserves areas where fishing is prohibited i ii leave ecosystems intact without human interference improve fisheries Lecture 12 Freshwater Resources 1 Know that freshwater makes up only 2 5 of water on Earth and that the majority of it is locked up in ice 2 Know definition of watershed drainage basin a The area of land drained by a river system 3 Know definition of riparian a Riverside areas that are productive and species rich 4 Be able to briefly explain why floodplains are good places for agriculture a Areas nearest to the rivers course that are flooded periodically i Frequent deposition of silt makes floodplain

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