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Recreation Activity Leadership Study Guide Test 1 You will need to read your text book chapters 1 5 Review all of the Power Points that we covered in class They are all posted on your Blackboard I would pay close attention to the following terms and concepts Play Spirit an innate part of human nature give it to others as well as to ourselves Big Fun A Situation can always be made more fun give people the best play experience possible this is also called Play Efficiency or Optimum Play The Playful Path When you choose to work with play path of self development grow and improve ourselves by serving others stay on the path and have fun Learning to Lead Move from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence Unconsciously Incompetent Comfortable blissfully ignorant weak place at mercy of universe Conscious Incompetent You know you don t know feelings of anxiety and frustration Consciously Competent Know you have to practice frequent experiences of fun and satisfaction reasonably safe place Unconsciously Competent Becomes the norm for you lead without thinking don t become complacent Complex Learning the work of the child and the primary way that children interact in the world Skill Development Learning to catch a ball or ride a bike Social Learning Playing doctor or learning to take turns Competitive and Cooperative behaviors maintaining a sense of wonder keeping your inner child alive Self Esteem Learning to Believe we can The ability to change to risk to flex to adapt to roll with punches in a rapidly changing world Contribution to stress reduction laughter healing tools High Tech and High Touch No need for computer High touch thru environmental education adventure risk activities social games and hugs Problem solving skills Sense of Community Play has the ability to bring us together in more caring trusting and communicative ways connects families friends and neighbors Elements of the Play Experience Al 5 of these elements interact with one another and need to be taken into account if the facilitation of the playfulness is to occur The Players People who participate in the game The Games the structure the activity set of interactions that happen when we play The Setting Physical Environment in which the game takes place The Situation Mental emotional environment in which the game takes place The Leader s Whoever happens to be making a contribution to making the game work Enthusiasm Showing enthusiasm really is sharing ourselves your enthusiasm can inspire others Enthusiasm derives from the Greek word en theos which means the spirit of g d theos and within en Do this by Cheering Singing Getting close together moving energetically Safety Most important thing we do is to ensure safety Have safety plans ready time outs Being Safety Conscious allows for FREEDOM which maybe the Essential element of Play Physical Safety Anticipate Hazards in the setting or with players Minimize the Risk Psychological Safety Feel safe Relaxed Can Open up Step aside to talk something over to fix an issue no embarrassment Manage safety by planning with Game Selection Sequence Anticipation Planning and Empowerment The Play Community One of the primary goals of a play leader is to establish a sense of CARING COMMUNITY agreeing that we are ALL playing together Emphasize teamwork Share the power rule suggestions help with equipment demonstration sharing responsibility for safety Emphasize Play as Communication Communications as Facilitating Playfulness It s ok not to be perfect try your best Both Verbal and Nonverbal cues to be positive and that everyone can play Emphasize Involvement Participation Some Level of Challenge modify the rules to allow everyone to play Facilitation Making it easy for people to play power comes from relationship established with players not whistle Fun Begins with you Can t take anyone anywhere you aren t willing to go yourself Communication The 4 P s of getting a game going enough time to be in the moment need interests expectations of Larger event Sponsor Purpose What s the group s purpose What do you want to have happen Planning 5 Elements of the Play experience over plan with flexibility give everyone The Player Games are to serve the players what do them The Situation Context in which you re playing Required Time Constraint Part The Setting Physical Environment of Play Size type of surface clean security The Game Tools that serve people Know energy level needed competitive or cooperative what mood are they conveying The Leader Confidence and Experience Practiced Time table for activity unlocked or reserved Simple or complex Preparation Gathering Equipment or Boundaries Signage Number of People Volunteers Shade Water ALWAYS get to location ahead of time Testing Practice Eye Contact and Confidence Anticipate worse case scenario Setup Arrangement for Maximum fun Make a Map floor plan Get there early Presentation Recruiting Wanderers Sideline Hangers Those that don t know how to join and those who are positive they don t want to play YOU WILL HAVE ATO INVITE THEM Welcome humor guilt trip PARENTS ONLY blob tag etc Focusing Needed for Collective Play energy Achieved by huggles Freeze melt Whisper Hanky in the air if you hear my voice Explaining Flow High level of enjoyment interaction and arousal main goal as a play leader Getting playful focus allows for collective play energy FUN ZONE High Low Visibility High Visibility Need to be recognized as leader to focus attention of the group gather them together explain rules and safety Low Visibility become the process manager helping the group to figure out the answers Know when to step up and when to step down Clock Time Externally imposed time end at a natural upbeat pace End Emotionally well plan your ending so it s not abrupt Recreation Categories Art Method of Self Expression thru visual factors arranged to satisfy the needs of the person who forms and creates them Crafts Represent a particular mode of expression and are a vehicle for the inherently human desire to manipulate fabricate or experience the satisfaction of creativity Dancing Any Rhythmic movement gross or fine that is sustained by a regular tempo beat or music Education Institutional Activity where the primary reason for participation is the enhancement of knowledge or the learning of a new skill idea or subject Motor Skills All Activities requiring gross and or fine muscle control that may be devised for physiological development extension of capacity to endure or

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FSU LEI 3420 - Test 1

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