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In a company with a matrix organizational structure the project manager controls the project budget and has moderate or high authority balanced weak strong functional In a n relationship the from activity cannot start until the to activity is started finish to start start to start start to finish finish to finish The ratio of earned value to planned value used to estimate the projected time to complete the project is called the SPI CPI SV CV The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of any immediately following activities Float time Free time Total slack Free Slack A n is a document used to develop and confirm a common understanding of the project scope business case contract statement of work scope statement The is a network diagramming technique in which boxes represent activities ADA PDM POA ADM The ultimate goal of is to create a realistic project schedule that provides a basis for monitoring project progress for the time dimension of the project activity duration estimating activity sequencing activity definition schedule development With the project managers use a give and take approach to resolving conflicts confrontation mode forcing mode smoothing mode compromise mode In any normal distribution percent of the population is within three standard deviations of the mean 99 7 95 5 99 9 99 0 might provide an estimate of 50 per line of code for a software development project based on the programming language the project is using the level of expertise of the programmers the size and complexity of the data involved and so on Analogous cost estimating Reserve analysis Bottom up estimating Parametric modeling is a technique for making cost and schedule trade offs to obtain the greatest amount of schedule compression for the least incremental cost Crushing Expediting Fast tracking Crashing involves working with stakeholders to create the document that formally authorizes a project Directing and managing project execution Developing the project management plan Developing the project charter Developing the project scope statement The majority of time on a project is usually spent on as is most of the project s budget execution planning monitoring and controlling closing involves managing the relationship with the selected seller Closing the contract Administering the contract Selecting sellers Requesting seller responses In a n relationship the from activity must finish before the to activity can start start to finish finish to start start to start finish to finish A n person achieves a balance between risk and payoff risk averse risk neutral risk fearing risk seeking provide s a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in a calendar format PERT analysis Critical path analysis Critical chain scheduling Gantt charts A n is a formal documented process that describes when and how official project documents may be changed integrated change control change control system change request performance report The is an estimate of the value of the physical work actually completed RP AC EV PV The planning approach is best suited to project managers who have vast technical insight and a big picture perspective mind mapping analogy bottom up top down dependencies are sometimes referred to as soft logic and should be used with care since they may limit later scheduling options Discretionary External Mandatory Internal allow for future situations that may be partially planned for Contingency reserves Unknown unknowns Direct reserves Management reserves From the supplier s perspective there is the least risk with a n contract and the most risk with the contract FFP CPPC CPFF FPI CPFF FFP CPPC FFP The project s is a starting point for identifying internal stakeholders communications management plan WBS organizational chart business case results in supporting detail to document important product information as well as assumptions and constraints related to specific activities Activity sequencing Activity definition Activity duration estimating Activity resource estimating The goal of the process is to ensure that the project team has complete understanding of all the work they must do as part of the project scope so they can start scheduling the work activity duration estimating activity definition activity resource estimating activity sequencing involves identifying the specific activities that the project team members and stakeholders must perform to produce the project deliverables Activity duration estimating Activity definition Activity sequencing Activity resource estimating The is that portion of the approved total cost estimate scheduled to be spent on an activity during a given period EV PV RP AC is a method of scheduling that considers limited resources when creating a project schedule and includes buffers to protect the project completion date Critical path analysis Gantt charts Critical chain scheduling PERT analysis involves estimating the number of work periods that are needed to complete individual activities Activity resource estimating Activity definition Activity duration estimating Activity sequencing determine s if the products or services produced as part of the project will be accepted or rejected Rework Process adjustments Auditing Acceptance decisions involves changing the size of the opportunity by identifying and maximizing key drivers of the positive risk Risk acceptance Risk enhancement Risk exploitation Risk sharing involves eliminating a specific threat usually by eliminating its causes Risk transference Risk acceptance Risk mitigation Risk avoidance involves formalizing acceptance of the project scope Key project stakeholders such as the customer and sponsor for the project inspect and then formally accept the deliverables of the project during this process Scope planning Scope definition Scope verification Scope control is best known for developing Theory X and Theory Y Abraham Maslow David McClelland Frederick Herzberg Douglas McGregor Project management ensures that the project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken cost time scope quality allow for future situations that are unpredictable Contingency reserves Known unknowns Indirect reserves Management reserves states that work expands to fill the time allowed Moore s Law Parkinson s Law Murphy s Law Newton s Law When using the the project manager de

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