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3 15 The Civil Rights Movement A second reconstruction era what it s been called by some historians Objectives End Segregation Ensure Voting Rights Validates Black Activism Cut ground from moderate politicians Jim Crow will put up a fight The Power of the Masses Brown vs Board Ends legal separate but equal Court s Questioning The problem with labeling a person as a face of the movement is that you can find a fault in one person and put that fault on the entire group Do we have the right to intervene Should it be an immediate or a gradual integration Gradual With all deliberate speed Schools used this to go as slowly as they wanted The court had a unanimous ruling of stopping separate schools LBJ Al Gore sr and an Alabama senator went against their districts Montgomery Dec 1955 Dec 1956 Bus boycott Important b c it lasted so long and brings MLKjr into the national spotlight and was the cradle of the Confederacy Successful b c they economically hurt the local economy Rosa Parks had a history in the Civil Right Movement Had just come back from a workshop on boycotts and had a high ranking spot in AL NAACP When the boycott began the NAACP just wanted the Black seats They didn t want the white seats they just didn t want to be forced to move if the white section was filled up and wanted their seats The reason it worked is that everyone was willing to sacrifice There were stories of ppl walking up to 8 miles to go to and from work everyday And Black cab drivers gave cheap fares to black people White women would give maids rides to and from work On December 21 1956 the boycott ends in success A 6am they are now allowed to ride in the front of the bus The Boycott Integrated for integration Moral Persuasiveness Religious Aspect The Sit ins Feb 1960 Will spread to other regions and other strikes Starts off as four students by day 4 there were 300 people that showed up Greensboro NC But will spread Works b c it hits the economy people are willing to be beat and the story is told around the country Albany Georgia Laurie Pritchett Police chief Wants non violence as a way to combat civil rights demonstrators Then calls in local sheriffs together and arrests everyone takes them to jails This means that there is no press b c they are only interested in violence Birmingham Alabama Eugene Bull Connor Head of the police Aggressive violent well known Klan member White Citizens Council political wing Had lost city council election Met civil rights protestors with extreme violence Project C Confrontation Children o Children as young as 11 were now getting involved I Have a Dream August 28 1963 250 000 people Civil Rights Act signed soon after The Outcome o Creating Rifts SNCC vs CORE S vs N Role of Whites o Inequality condoned Voting Rights Bob Moses of the SNCC calls for a large gathering in Mississippi to fight for voting rights Freedom Summer was to ensure the vote Began June 2 1964 Workshops were held before in colleges across the country They were taught how to be beaten up etc Violence ensued at Philly Miss Neshoba County Same tactics same results as integration But murders of Chaney Schwerner Goodman Youth beginning to doubt effect of non violence Stiffened sense that the fed govt doesn t care about AAs Voter s Rights Bill of 1965 The Rise of Black Power Major Effects Mississippi Burning Themes klan as a social club Racism in the south hatred lynching North v South Agent Ward v Agent Anderson Some lines regarding southern ignorance were actually quotes 2 upper middle class Jewish and 1 local black boy killed Agent Ward from the north young new way of thinking JFK Agent Anderson from the South Older way of thinking LBJ calm cool until a white woman gets beat Southern chivalry Allen Parker British attempted to make an authentic historically accurate film Themes included Injustice Fed V State and local Gov Class Issues Shots were shot at actual location Churches were burned down in shooting Ending not accurate minimal charges most not served Edger Ray Killen finally convicted in 2005 Cool Hand Luke 1967 Klansmen who orchestrated the whole event Faced conspiracy charges never served time Cool Hand Luke is a movie set in the 1940s in Raiford Prison It s about a man named Luke who is sentenced to two years in Raiford Prison in Florida for damaging parking meters in Tampa He is a decorated WWII soldier It s about how he refuses to conform to the prison system Cool Hand Luke got the nickname when playing a game of cards Cast Characters Based on the novel by Donn Pearce Paul Newman Luke George Kennedy Dragline Morgan Woodward Boss Godfrey the man with no eyes Strother Martin Captain Nominated for 3 Oscars Donn Pearce Wrote Cool Hand Luke 1949 he went to Raiford for breaking and entering William Faulkner was the first literature he was introduced to He wrote the book Cool Hand Luke in 1965 Message of the movie Author said it s just a story How is the South defined Rebel Without a Cause Paul Newman Lloyd Jackson CHL s name in the book Vet of WWII Franklin St in Tampa is where he ruins parking meters Rebel Non conformist Free Race is not a factor during this movie Prison systems separated at this time We do see echoes of conservative vs liberal haves vs have nots conformity vs non conformity 4 5 12 Magazines Cracks in the Conformity The Counter Culture Discontent especially about gender rolse People Drugs Jack Kerouac Allen Ginsberg Gary Snyder Playboy Hugh Hefner said that man s job was not to just provide for his family but for himself as well Mad Magazine popular magazine that satirized pop culture hallucinogenic drugs Questions what is acceptable with drug use Tours with Ken Kesey Merry Pranksters in a bus Wrote One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest Timothy Leary former professor of psychology at Harvard Stopped giving grades drug guru Turn on Tune in Drop out Saw LSD use as a spiritual awakening In 1968 he is arrested for marijuana while he is being put in the system LSD shot into space with Gene Rodenberry Asian Eastern Religion Not always done with drugs The Summer of Love The Human Be In o Music festival o Name came from the sit in phrase o People were just coming to be Sgt Pepper and the Lonely Hearts Club Band Monterey Pop Festival o June 16 18 o Major Acts o The first of the music festivals o Known for its MUSIC o Jimi Hendrix burned his guitar on Otis Redding got the best response audience Ravi Shankhar you don t drugs when you listen to my music The Hangover o Dr David E Smith stage from need 28

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FSU HIS 4930r - The Civil Rights Movement

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