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Agent Escherichia Coli E Coli Mode of transmission Direct Standard Contaminated water foods or through contact w animals or people Unpasteurized milk Common Communicable Diseases Worksheet Precautions Assessment Nursing Considerations Prevention Strategies Profuse diarrhea bloody diarrhea abdominal cramps WBC fever not high less than 101 Proper hand washing Assess VS Treat symptoms Avoid dehydration replace fluid and electrolytes as ordered Proper hand washing Assess VS Treat symptoms Avoid dehydration replace fluid and electrolytes as ordered Salmonella Direct Standard Through contaminated foods improperly cooked meats eggs contact w animals or their environment Clostridium Difficile Contact isolation Direct contact shed through feces or material that becomes contaminated w feces may serve as reservoir for C diff spores Nausea vomiting diarrhea watery bloody abd cramps fever chills People higher risk immunocompromised underlying GI illness young children pregnant women Abd pain cramping Watery diarrhea with foul odor fever Proper hand washing Assess VS Treat symptoms Avoid dehydration replace fluid and electrolytes as ordered Private room if possible Abx prescription tests that are accurate rapidly identifying and isolating pt w C diff wearing PPE when tx ing pt w C diff proper hand hygiene soap Practice proper hygiene HANDWASHING before after preparing foods bathroom keep all objects that enter infants mouth clean if soap isn t available use hand sanitizer w atleast 60 alcohol Food safety clean separate cook chill use food thermometer no cross contam thoroughly wash counters hands surfaces that touch raw meat avoid raw milk unpasteurized dairy products juices fresh apple cider don t swallow water when swimming in lakes ponds streams Wash hands surfaces often Separate raw meats from other foods Cook to the right temperature Meat 160 degrees Refrigerate food promptly Agent Precautions Assessment Nursing Considerations Prevention Strategies Group A Strep Bacterial spread Contact Mode of transmission through droplet Can touch something w droplets on it and then touch their mouth nose Drink from same glass or eat from the same plate Touch sores on the skin cause by group A strep impetigo External Internal factors l t growth in the water system grows best in large complex systems that aren t adequately maintained breathe in mist or accidentally swallow water into the lungs containing Legionella Although transmitted via contact w droplets CDC does not recommend droplet precaution Droplet water used for showering potable cooling towers decorative fountains hot tubs Abrupt onset Pharyngitis Headache Fever Abd pain Possible inflamed tonsils and exudate Lymphadenopathy Sore throat abrupt Tiny red spots at the roof of the mouth SOB Cough Fever Headache Muscle aches Legionnaire s Disease CDC website and water NOT hand sanitizer cleaner surfaces in rooms with C diff pts w EPA approved spore killing disinfectant Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough sneeze wash hands with soap water alcohol based hand sanitizer abx as prescribed stay home rest Building owners managers maintain building water systems and implement controls for legionella Remove dead legs dead ends in pipe work flush out infrequently used outlets including showerheads and taps at least weekly and clean and de scale shower heads and hoses at least quarterly Dedicated equipment Proper hand washing Cough etiquette Assess VS Throat culture Treat symptoms Oral antibiotics used Still infectious until on antibiotics for 24 PCN Amoxicillin Assess VS CXR pneumonia Urine sample Sputum phlegm Treat symptoms abx increased risk adults 50 years or older current former smokers COPD emphysema people w weakened immune system cancer DM kidney failure or chronic dz Assess VS Lyme Disease Vector Deer Standard Bullseye swollen Use insect repellent that tick nymphs Contact Direct Influenza 3 Types A B C A and B cause significant illness in humans Droplet Contact Less common Remove grasp tick firmly as close to skin as possible steady motion pull ticks body away cleanse area w rubbing alcohol or soap and water Droplet lymph nodes red ring rash Acute flu like symptoms fever rash severe fatigue facial paralysis or joint pain w in 30 days of being bit If symptoms untreated pt may experience systemic symptoms neuro and musculoskeletal Treat symptoms Antibiotics typically for 2 3 weeks Plenty of rest Education Transmission of bacteria unlikely to occur before 36 of tick attachment After 36 48 higher incidence of lyme dz bacteria being transmitted contains 20 30 DEET Wear clothing that has been treated with permethrin Take a shower as soon as you can after working outdoors Look for ticks on your body UNDER ARMPITS BEHIND THE KNEES IN THE HAIR GROIN Put your clothes in the dryer on high heat for 60 minutes to kill any remaining ticks Abrupt onset Chills fever anorexia myalgia and malaise sore throat cough headache runny or stuffy nose fatigue Assess VS Treat symptoms Antiviral if rx Patient education Monitor for a secondary 2 infection some people may have vomiting diarrhea Stay home for at least 24 hr after your fever is gone Rest Increase fluids Hand hygiene Cover your mouth when sneezing coughing Throw tissues in the trash after you use them Avoid touching your face flu shot Agent Precautions Assessment Nursing Considerations Prevention Strategies Mode of transmission ORSA MRSA Oxacillin resistant staphylococcus aureus methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus Direct contact w an infected wound or from contaminated hands usually those of healthcare workers Contact Per CDC may cause skin infections pneumonia and sepsis Assess VS Treat symptoms Patient and family education Private room if possible Dedicated equipment Hand hygiene Appropriate use of abx CA MRSA Community acquired MRSA VRE Vancomycin resistant enterococci Direct contact Sharing personal items touching area of infection with contaminated hands item Contact w contaminated persons surfaces Contact Per CDC usually cause skin infections Assess VS Treat symptoms Patient and family education Contact May cause infections of urinary tract the bloodstream or of wounds Assess VS Treat symptoms Patient and family education Private room if possible Dedicated equipment Proper hand and body hygiene Proper wound cleaning avoid sharing personal items get care early if infection Proper hand washing with soap and water Appropriate use of abx DIAGNOSING TESTING OF HIV TESTING FOR HIV

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MCC NUR 214 - Common Communicable Diseases Worksheet

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