Course Number SOCI 450 MGMT 478 Spring 2022 Time Tuesday Thursday 11 10 a m 12 25 p m Location WCBA 181 Credit Hours 3 Social Entrepreneurship Professor Patricia Thornton Ph D Grand Challenge Initiative Faculty for Sociology and Instructor Details Entrepreneurship Senior Research Fellow Institute for Organizations and Society HEC Paris Office Academic Building 328A Phone 650 380 5011 E Mail phthornton tamu edu Office Hours Tues Thurs 2 30pm or by email Zoom and appointment This is a course in social entrepreneurship with the goal to create a business plan for a financially viable Course Description business that is mission driven to solve a problem in society It is suggested that you complete this plan with a team You may also work individually You may already be in the process of developing this business and use this class to further develop its progress Social entrepreneurship applies business innovations to solve social economic and environmental problems often in underserved markets It addresses the question of how individuals can change the world through the application of business theory and practice to reduce poverty hunger inadequate housing homelessness unemployment under employment illiteracy disease environmental degradation disability or other issues Social entrepreneurs seek to develop alternative solutions to these problems in the context in which state and federal government and traditional corporate organizations have been unsuccessful in their tactics or do not have sufficient resources In an era of skyrocketing government debt and greater competition for private donors a key dilemma is how to align social mission and profit orientation to decrease government grant and private donor dependency and achieve financial self sustainability The course includes key concepts and issues in scaling social enterprise ventures including strategic management tools organization structures funding sources and impact measurement Presentational assignments are designed to prepare you to communicate your social entrepreneurship ideas and plan to audiences outside of the university Course Prerequisites None SOCI MGMT 376 and SOCI MGMT 476 useful Special Course Designation This is a capstone course in the CLA 1 Ability to identify the social entrepreneurs and career opportunities in social entrepreneurship Course Learning Outcomes 2 Gain experience in social enterprise opportunity recognition and analysis Page 1 of 8 3 Ability to develop a persuasive social enterprise idea and business plan 4 Apply knowledge of theory and practice for interpreting market and industry forces 5 Develop a theory of social change to gain support for your innovation 6 Apply management principles and tools to execute on a social change model 7 Identify realistic resources to develop your innovation Textbook and Resource Materials 1 Kickul and Lyons 2020 Understanding Social Entrepreneurship The Relentless Pursuit of Mission in an Ever Changing World 3rd edition 2 Riley 2002 The One Page Proposal How to Get Your Business Pitch onto One Persuasive Page ISBN 0 06 098860 6 If you have taken MGMT SOCI 476 and used this text then not required 3 Creation of a free on line lean start up canvas template at http LeanCanvas com 4 Subscription to Live Plan web based business planning library and software tools https www liveplan com 5 The following readings to motivate ideation and opportunity recognition for your social entrepreneurship project are available on canvas a Kanter and Searchinger 2018 A Technology forcing Approach to Reduce Nitrogen Pollution Nature Sustainability b Kwon and Sorenson forthcoming The Silicon Valley Syndrome Annals of Regional Science c Anonymous 2021 Batteries The Embedded Costs of Going Green d Wework ideas 10 Effective Brainstorming Techniques for Teams Extended Reading Not Required 6 Maurya Ash 2012 Running Lean Iterate From Plan A to a Plan that Works O Reilly 7 Cabage Neal and Zhang 2013 The Smarter Startup A Better Approach to Online Business for Entrepreneurs ISBN 13 978 0 321 90501 7 Grading Policy Grade Scale A 90 or above B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 F less than 60 Eight Deliverables Are Required ASSIGNMENT Class participation Midterm Exam Final Exam Live Plan Module 1 Opportunity Problem Solution Target Market Competition Live Plan Module 2 Execution Marketing Sales Operations Milestones Metrics Live Plan Module 3 Company Overview Team Live Plan Module 4 Financial Plan Forecasting Financial Statements Live Plan Module 5 Executive Summary Opportunity Expectations Social Enterprise Executive Summary Pitch Slide Deck and Presentation GRADE 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 100 Total To receive a superior grade please demonstrate analytical thinking Analytical thinking is defined as interpreting and evaluating the facts based on empirical evidence prior experience theory Page 2 of 8 DUE All 3 1 4 28 2 17 2 24 3 8 3 29 4 7 4 12 4 14 4 19 4 21 or some other form of logical reasoning not simply describing the facts Show your ability for creative thinking why your insights may not be obvious and support for your assertions Assignments will be graded on the following criteria 1 demonstrates analytical and creative thinking on key issues 2 shows knowledge of and integration of relevant course material 3 summary of main issues and 4 overall quality and organization of the writing LATE OR MAKE UP ASSIGNMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED UNLESS THERE IS A UNIVERSITY AUTHORIZED EXCUSE If you believe something was missed in grading your work please write a brief summary of what you think needs further consideration If you request a re read please be aware that your grade may go down remain the same or go up Each grade is final one week after given Graded Class Participation Class participation is an individual grade Your class participation score is based on the quality of your verbal in class contribution and whether it constructively extends or challenges class material and student work and discussion Students are expected to be prepared for each class by reading assigned materials in advance and being prepared to discuss the questions in the sections in the text labeled Connecting the Dots and Thought Questions Verbally interact in class discussions to apply your knowledge There is opportunity for class participation in all classes In addition note the syllabus identifies structured class participation exercises to boost your score and to advance work on your final project Attendance of all team members is
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