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Animal Science 305 Homework 6 Summer 2022 H 495 lbs Weaning weigh information for Brahman and Hereford B 530 lbs MB 26 lbs HVdirect 50 lbs HVmaternal 30 lbs Calculate the expected average weaning weights for MH 0 lbs a Calves sired by Hereford bulls out of Brahman cows b Calves sired by Brahman bulls out of Hereford cows 2 Calves sired by Brahman bulls out of F1 Brahman Hereford cows 3 Calves sired by cows Hereford bulls and out of F1 Brahman Hereford cows Consider these calves to be the first generation of Hereford Brahman composite a Calves by Hereford Brahman like those from NUMBER 3 and out of cows of the same type as these bulls These would be considered the second generation Hereford Brahman composite b Calves Hereford Brahman that were produced in NUMBER 4a and out of cows of the same type as these bulls This would be the third generation of Hereford Brahman composite Note that calves in later generations of this composite would have the same expected average weaning weights as these third generation calves 5 Consider the Brahman cows Hereford produced from the cross in number 2 These cows were used to start a two breed rotation a Calculate expected average weaning weights for calves of this rotation Note what breed makes up the majority of these cows and what breed is the minority this will help you pick the correct sire for this generation in the rotation b Calves in the next generation of this rotation a Calves in advanced generations at equilibrium of a two breed rotation of Brahman and Hereford where the calves are sired by Hereford bulls and their dams were sired by Brahman bulls b Calves in the next generation of this rotation 1 4 6

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