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Soc 210 Assignment 4 10 points For full credit you MUST show work on each problem I have included both a PDF and MS Word version of this assignment on Canvas Your submission must be uploaded as a single document 1 The 2018 General Social Survey a nationally representative survey of adults in the United States asked 1136 respondents whether they believed Heaven existed and whether they believed Hell existed Here were the results presented in a 2x2 contingency table also known as a crosstab Believe in Heaven Believe in Hell No Yes Total No 209 113 322 Yes 10 804 814 Total 219 917 1136 Based on this table answer the following questions a Show that the probability that a randomly selected American adult believes in Hell is 0 72 b Show that the probability that a randomly selected American adult believes in Hell if they believe in Heaven i e conditional on believing in Heaven is 0 88 c What is the probability that a randomly selected American adult believes in BOTH Heaven and Hell more on back 2 CSU is hypothetically planning that during one of its basketball games in post pandemic times they will have an event where a random fan at halftime will try to throw a frisbee into a trash can from across the court for a new car worth 30 000 Most of these special halftime events are insured The insurance company thinks the fan will have a 4 chance of successfully throwing the frisbee into the trash can The insurance business model means that needs to charge CSU more than the expected value of the event What is the expected value of this event 3 Suppose you are interested in applying for two jobs JOB A 30 applicants including you have applied and you feel you are all equally likely to get the job This job pays 20 hr JOB B 20 applicants including you have applied and again you feel you are all equally likely to get the job This job initially pays only pays 18 hr a Show that the expect value in terms of your hourly pay rate of applying for JOB A is 67 hr b What is the expected value for JOB B c By an unfortunate act of fate the interviews for the job are on the same day but in different cities so you can only interview at one Which job should you interview for if you wanted to choose the one with a greater expected value

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CSU SOC 210 - Asgmt 4 Probability

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