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Soc 210 Assignment 2 10 points For full credit you MUST show some work I have included both a PDF and MS Word version of this assignment on Canvas Please follow the instructions for submitting assignments which are on Canvas The dataset below contains information about the weekly work hours and happiness of a sample of 7 randomly selected residents of Fort Collins note that very happy is happier than pretty happy Use this data to answer the questions below In this assignment we ll look at each variable separately and in a future assignment we ll look at how they are related Happiness pretty happy very happy pretty happy very happy pretty happy not too happy not too happy Weekly Work Hours 40 50 40 60 20 40 30 a Construct a simple descriptive table for Happiness with columns for the frequency proportion and percentage b What proportion of the sample is very happy c What is the mode of Happiness The median of Happiness d Why can t you calculate the mean of Happiness e What is the range of work hours f What is the mean of work hours g What is the variance and the standard deviation of work hours Must show work creating a table like in my notes is highly recommended h Suppose one of the people working 40 hours week takes on more hours and starts working 60 hours week Without doing any new calculations would that increase or decrease the standard deviation of work hours How do you know

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