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LISTENING BOTTOM UP TOP DOWN INTERACTIVE RAGUDO JEAN VILLANUEVA MARY JOY RAGUDO JEANVILLANUEVA MARY JOY WHAT IS LISTENING Listening is receiving language through the ears Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentence It is the key to have an effective communication Listening in any language requires focus and attention It is a skill that some people need to work at harder than others WHAT IS LISTENING Listening is receiving language through the ears Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentence It is the key to have an effective communication Listening in any language requires focus and attention It is a skill that some people need to work at harder than others BOTTOM UP PROCESSING BOTTOM UPPROCESSING BOTTOM UP PROCESSING The process of sensation whereby the input of sensory information from the external environment is received by our sensory receptors Bottom up strategies on the other hand focus on listening for details and involve tasks that focus on understanding at a sound or word level BOTTOM UP PROCESSING The process of sensation whereby the input of sensory information from the external environment is received by our sensory receptors Bottom up strategies on the other hand focus on listening for details and involve tasks that focus on understanding at a sound or word level EXAMPLES Listening for specific details Recognizing words patterns Recognizing word sounds Recognizing cognates EXAMPLES Listening for specific details Recognizing words patterns Recognizing word sounds Recognizing cognates EXERCISES THAT DEVELOP BOTTOM UP PROCESSING WHICH HELP THE LEARNER Retain input while it is being processed Recognize word and clause divisions Recognize key words Recognize key transitions in a discourse Recognize grammatical relationships between key elements Use stress and intonation to identify word and sentence in sentences functions EXERCISES THAT DEVELOP BOTTOM UP PROCESSING WHICH HELP THE LEARNER Retain input while it is being processed Recognize word and clause divisions Recognize key words Recognize key transitions in a discourse Recognize grammatical relationships between key elements in sentences Use stress and intonation to identify word and sentence functions EXAMPLE SCENARIO Your classmate talk to you to invite you for her birthday party at her house on Saturday As you ve never been to her house before she gives you directions You work as a waiter in a restaurant and a guess wants a reservation for her meeting EXAMPLE SCENARIO Your classmate talk to you to invite you for her birthday party at her house on Saturday As you ve never been to her house before she gives you directions You work as a waiter in a restaurant and a guess wants a reservation for her meeting TOP DOWN PROCESSING TOP DOWNPROCESSING WHAT IS TOP DOWN PROCESSING Top down processing is the process of applying preexisting schemas and memories to new sensory information in order to interpret this data more efficiently and accurately This Psychological construct is meant to help explain the relationship between sensation the stimuli received by various receptors throughout the body and perception how this information is interpreted by the brain WHAT IS TOP DOWN PROCESSING Top down processing is the process of applying preexisting schemas and memories to new sensory information in order to interpret this data more efficiently and accurately This Psychological construct is meant to help explain the relationship between sensation the stimuli received by various receptors throughout the body and perception how this information is interpreted by the brain EVIDENCE FOR TOP DOWN PROCESSING In order to transmit sensory information to the brain the information must be received by receptors such as those in sense organs like the eye ear or nose Psychologists find it hard to explain how sensory input is converted into perceptions such as sight sound touch taste and smell The major issue that divides these psychologists is whether perception relies on expectations and previous knowledge or it perception relies on the present information in the given environment EVIDENCE FOR TOP DOWN PROCESSING In order to transmit sensory information to the brain the information must be received by receptors such as those in sense organs like the eye ear or nose Psychologists find it hard to explain how sensory input is converted into perceptions such as sight sound touch taste and smell The major issue that divides these psychologists is whether perception relies on expectations and previous knowledge or it perception relies on the present information in the given environment TOP DOWN PROCESSING BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS There are benefits and drawbacks to top down processing One benefit is that it helps the brain to process new information more quickly The world is a very busy place and the senses are always perceiving multiple things TOP DOWN PROCESSING BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS There are benefits and drawbacks to top down processing One benefit is that it helps the brain to process new information more quickly The world is a very busy place and the senses are always perceiving multiple things WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF TOP DOWN PROCESSING Processing information from the top down allows us to make sense of information that has already been brought in by the senses working downward from initial impressions down to particular details WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF TOP DOWN PROCESSING Processing information from the top down allows us to make sense of information that has already been brought in by the senses working downward from initial impressions down to particular details TOP DOWN LISTENING STRATEGIES Listening for the main idea Predicting Draw inferences Summarizing Take down notes TOP DOWN LISTENING STRATEGIES Listening for the main idea Predicting Draw inferences Summarizing Take down notes TOP DOWN PROCESSING EXAMPLES Jumbled letters still make sense Reading misspelled words or bad handwriting is easier when reading a whole sentence The stroop effect Phonemic Restoration Seeing a pile of picture that don t have any bruises TOP DOWN PROCESSING EXAMPLES Jumbled letters still make sense Reading misspelled words or bad handwriting is easier when reading a whole sentence The stroop effect Phonemic Restoration Seeing a pile of picture that don t have any bruises INTERACTIVE LISTENING INTERACTIVELISTENING INTERACTIVE LISTENING Interactive

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