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Instructor Email Roxane O Bersano LPT raxane bersano bisu edu ph 09755680339 Course Code Course Title PE2 Rhythmic Activities Course Credits 2 Course Classification Pre Requisite s Physical Education Courses PE 1 Self Testing Activities Contact Number Consultation Hours Consultation Venue Consultation Room Movement Qualities Phases of the Dance Program Formations used in Rhythmic Activities Fundamental Dance Positions Intended Learning Outcomes Enumerate the Qualities under Movement Qualities and phases under the Dance Program Explain the importance of the qualities and phases to the Dance Program Demonstrate properly the basic fundamental dance positions MOVEMENT QUALITIES Movement expression is attained through the elements of time force and space Time qualities 1 Movements which is fast Examples galloping horse jet plane 2 Movement which is slow Examples turtle flower growing Force Qualities 1 Soft light movement Examples Birds and butterflies 2 Strong heavy movement Examples Elephant and bulldozer 3 Strong jerky movement Examples Frog a jumping jack 4 Smooth sustained movement Examples Airplane fish swimming Space Qualities 1 Movement up and down Examples Bouncing ball and Yo yo 2 Movement across back and forth or around Examples Rowing boat and a merry go round 3 Movement which is low Examples Ants and turtles 4 Movement which is high Examples Kites clouds PHASES OF THE DANCE PROGRAM 1 Creative Rhythms These are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances A creative rhythm is an end product of exploration and improvisation of movements as children learn to move the parts of their body and to use them as instruments of expression 2 Folk Ethnic dance It is a cultural art form handed down from generation to generations It communicates the customs beliefs rituals and occupations of the people of a region or country Folk dancing belongs to the people It emanates from them Ethnic tribes have their specific tribal art forms originated and danced by the people of the tribe Examples of folk dances are the rural and country dances jotas mazurkas pandanggos among others with foreign influence Examples of ethnic dances are the dances of the mountain peoples of the Cordilleras dances of the ethnic groups in the Cagayan Valley Region and the ethnic dances in the Mindanao Regions 3 Social and Ballroom Dance The setting of the social and ballroom dance is a social gathering with the more formal atmosphere than the simple and informal parties in which the recreational dances are the usual forms Social and ballroom dancing are generally held in the evenings The participants are usually in formal attire 4 Recreational Dance This includes dance mixers square dance round and couple dances Many of these dances have simple patterns and combinations of walking steps polka step and the waltz step The setting is usually informal gatherings and parties reunions etc 5 Creative Dance This is the highest form of dance It is the end product of exploration and improvisation of movements as the dancer or the choreographer expresses his feelings or emotions ideas and interpretations This is a dance with a definite form a beginning and an ending The principles of art form are all observed in the composition of the dance Examples of creative dance are ballet jazz and modern or contemporary dance FORMATIONS USED IN RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES To view the different formations click the link here https bit ly 3hnnc8P FUNDAMENTAL DANCE POSITIONS There are five fundamental or basic positions in dance that are commonly termed as 1st position 2nd position 3rd position 4th position and 5th position of the feet and arms Feet Heels close together toes apart with an angle of about 45 degrees Arms Both arms raised in a circle in front of chest with the finger tips about an inch apart Feet Feet apart sideward of about a pace distance Arms Both raised sideward with a graceful curve at shoulder level Feet Heel of one foot close to in step of other foot Arms One arm raised in front as in 2nd position other arm raised upward Feet One foot in front of other foot of a pace distance Arms One arm raised in front as in 1st position other arm raised overhead 1st position 2nd position 3rd position 4th position 5th position Feet Heel of front foot close to big toe of rear foot Arms Both arms raised overhead For more examples you may click here https bit ly 3aNFfn8 References Ladaran 2015 Holy Name University Physical Education College of Education Retrieved from http hnupe weebly com accessed last 29 December 2020 END OF THE MODULE

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BOISE STATE EDTECH 501 - PE 2- Module 2

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