Topic 7 Chapter 4 Moments of forces 3D Sleeve A can provide a maximum resisting moment of 125 N m about the x axis How do you find the maximum force F before the bracket rotates Moments of a force in 3D Method 3 vector cross product A 750 lb force is applied to a pipe bracket as shown Determine the moment of the force about point O Mo r x F gives rotation about axis perpendicular to the plane of r and F What if we want to project the moment onto another axis z along hinge axis y x r is along y F is along x in xy plane What if I apply a force F along y but it is downward and not in xy plane Moment of a Force about a line What is the projection component of vector A on vector B A B Remember the dot product of two vectors A B A B A B cos Moment of force about a line Does all the moment of force P act to turn the socket 1 Find moment about a point on the axis 2 Project onto axis of interest find direction get magnitude using dot product get vector form Determine the moment of the 300 N force about line OA Express the result in Cartesian vector form Items to complete No ICW for today so no ICW submission Complete Homework 7 in Pearson by midnight Thursday 6 16 After completing Quiz 3 part a in class complete the solution report Quiz 3 part b and submit it by midnight Sunday 6 19 It should have a complete solution containing any FBD s needed for the problem the governing equations the values used in the equations the answers with units
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