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Module 2 Chapter 2 Force Vectors in 2D Forces and Vectors Force characteristics Vector Review Concurrent Force Systems Force and Vector Review Force direct indirect Force has 1 Internal Effect 2 External Effect Characteristics of a Force 1 Magnitude 2 Direction 3 Point of Application 4 Line of Action Review of Vector Operations 1 Scalar 2 Vector examples examples If r 10 ft and 50o write position vector rin Cartesian vector form Write position vector from Ato B in Cartesian vector form 60o Write force vector from in Cartesian vector form Direction Cosines for components Component magnitude cosine of angle between vector and positive coordinate axis x or y Types of Vectors 1 Free does not pass through a unique point 2 Sliding does pass through a unique point and can slide along the line of action 3 Bound fixed to the point of application Principle of Transmissibility force can be applied at any point along the line of action without changing the external effect of the force Concurrent Force Systems The lines of actions of all forces intersect at a common point F2 F1 Replace concurrent forces with a single resultant force R 1 Graphically 2 Use Law of Sines and Law of Cosines 3 Add components in common coordinate system Find Resultant R 1 Graphically Find Resultant R 2 Law of Sines Find Resultant R 3 Add components in common coordinate system F2 F1 Find Resultant of 2 forces Find Resultant of 2 forces Components using measurements Find Resultant of 2 forces y 170 N 5 2 210 N 5 12 x Inverse Problem Two ropes are used to tow a boat upstream The resultant R of the rope forces Fu and Fv has a magnitude of 400 lb and a direction as shown Determine the magnitudes of forces Fu and Fv Determine the magnitude of F1 and its direction so that the resultant force is directed vertically upward and has a magnitude of 800 N Items to complete Submit the classwork ICW 2 6 3 to the submission box on Canvas by midnight Saturday 6 4 Complete Homework 2 in Pearson by midnight Saturday 6 4 Complete Quiz 1 over the syllabus by midnight Sunday 6 5 This will be taken un proctored and you can take the quiz twice using open notes There is feedback so read it if you miss a question The password is

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TAMU MEEN 221 - Module 2 Chapter 2 – Force Vectors in 2D

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