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Daily Handout Week 4 Day 1 Topics Rotational Kinematics and Moment of Inertia Submit to Blackboard by 11 59 pm Upload to W4D1 HO Folder 1 The angular position as a function of t of a reference line of a rotating disk is given by t 0 25 rad s2 2 0 85 2 3 Calculate the angular acceleration as a function of time t Is the angular acceleration constant Answer 0 5 ra s2 yes 2 When a fan is turned off its angular speed decreases from 10 rad s to 6 3 rad s in 5 0 s What is the magnitude of the average angular acceleration of the fan Answer 0 74 rad s 2 3 An old LP record that is originally rotating at 33 3 rad s is given a uniform angular acceleration of 2 15 rad s2 Through what angle has the record turned when its angular speed reaches 72 0 rad s Answer 948 rad 4 What is the angular speed in rad s of a flywheel turning at 813 0 rpm Answer 85 14 rad s 5 Two spheres have the same radius and equal masses One is made of solid aluminum and the other is made from a hollow shell of gold Which one has the bigger moment of inertia about an axis through its center 6 Two spheres have the same radius and equal mass One is made of solid aluminum and the other is made from a hollow shell of gold The axis of rotation for the solid sphere is at the rim and the axis of rotation for the hollow sphere is through the center Which one has the bigger moment of inertia 7 Consider a solid sphere of uniform density total mass M and radius R that is rotating about the axis shown which lies along its outer edge What is the moment of inertia about this axis Use parallel axis theorem Answer I 7 5 MR2 8 Three balls with masses of 3M 2M and M are fastened to a massless rod of length L as shown What is the moment of inertia aka rotational inertia about the left end of the rod Answer 3 2 ML2 9 Consider a solid sphere of uniform density total mass M and radius R that is rotating about the axis shown which lies along its outer edge What is the moment of inertia about this axis Use parallel axis theorem Answer 7 5 MR2 10 What is the moment of inertia for a uniform beam of total mass M and length L that is pivoted around an axis of rotation that passes L 6 from the left end as as shown Use parallel axis theorem or integration method Answer 7 36 ML2 11 Consider a uniform thin rod of length L and mass M rotated about an axis perpendicular to the rod and passing a point L 4 from left end What is the moment of inertia of the rod about this point Use parallel axis theorem or integration method 12 Consider a solid cylinder of uniform density total mass M and radius r that is rotating about the axis shown which lies along its outer edge What is the moment of inertia about this axis Answer I 3 2 MR2 I 7 48 ML 2 13 Consider a thin uniform rod of mass M and length L The rod is rotated about an axis passing through the left end of the rod Calculate the moment of inertia of the rod at this point using a Parallel axis theorem b Integration method Answer I 1 3 ML2 14 A truck of mass 500 0 kg moving to the right at 15 0 m s crashes into a car of mass 250 kg moving to the left at a speed of 40 0 m s a Sketch before and after pictures assuming they stick together b What is the initial momentum just before the crash c What is the final momentum just after crash d If the car and truck stuck together after the crash how fast is the wreckage moving after collision and in which direction e Compute the total kinetic energy before the crash f Compute the total kinetic energy after the crash g Is the mechanical energy conserved and what type of collision does this answer imply Answers a Sketch b 2500 kg m s c 2500 kg m s d 3 33 m s e 256000 J f 4160 J g

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UT PHY 113 - Rotational Kinematics and Moment of Inertia

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