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Cloud Computing and Big Data Spring 2022 Homework Assignment 2 Assignment Implement a photo album web application that can be searched using natural language through both text and voice You will learn how to use Lex ElasticSearch and Rekognition to create an intelligent search layer to query your photos for people objects actions landmarks and more Outline This assignment has eight components 1 Launch an ElasticSearch instance1 a Using AWS ElasticSearch service2 create a new domain called b Make note of the Security Group SG1 you attach to the domain c Deploy the service inside a VPC3 photos This prevents unauthorized internet access to your service i 2 Upload index photos a Create a S3 bucket B2 to store the photos b Create a Lambda function LF1 called index photos i Launch the Lambda function inside the same VPC as ElasticSearch This ensures that the function can reach the ElasticSearch instance ii Make sure the Lambda has the same Security Group SG1 as ElasticSearch c Set up a PUT event trigger4 on the photos S3 bucket B2 such that whenever a photo gets uploaded to the bucket it triggers the Lambda function LF1 to index it i To test this functionality upload a file to the photos S3 bucket B2 and check the logs of the indexing Lambda function LF1 to see if it got invoked If it did your setup is complete https www elastic co webinars getting started elasticsearch elektra home storm sub1 1 https docs aws amazon com elasticsearch service latest developerguide es createupdatedomains html 2 3 https docs aws amazon com elasticsearch service latest developerguide es vpc html 4 https docs aws amazon com AmazonS3 latest dev NotificationHowTo html If the Lambda LF1 did not get invoked check to see if you set up the correct permissions5 for S3 to invoke your Lambda function d Implement the indexing Lambda function LF1 i Given a S3 PUT event E1 detect labels in the image using Rekognition6 detectLabels method ii Use the S3 SDK s headObject method7 to retrieve the S3 metadata created at the object s upload time Retrieve the x amz meta customLabelsmetadata field if applicable and create a JSON array A1 with the labels iii Store a JSON object in an ElasticSearch index photos that references the S3 object from the PUT event E1 and append string labels to the labels array A1 one for each label detected by Rekognition Use the following schema for the JSON object objectKey my photo jpg bucket my photo bucket createdTimestamp 2018 11 05T12 40 02 labels person dog ball park 3 Search a Create a Lambda function LF2 called search photos i Launch the Lambda function inside the same VPC as ElasticSearch This ensures that the function can reach the ElasticSearch instance ii Make sure the Lambda has the same Security Group SG1 as ElasticSearch https docs aws amazon com lambda latest dg with s3 example html see Configure Amazon S3 to 5 Publish Events 6 https aws amazon com rekognition 7 https docs aws amazon com AWSJavaScriptSDK latest AWS S3 html headObject property b Create an Amazon Lex bot to handle search queries i Create one intent named SearchIntent ii Add training utterances to the intent such that the bot can pick up both keyword searches trees birds as well as sentence searches show me trees show me photos with trees and birds in them You should be able to handle at least one or two keywords per query c Implement the Search Lambda function LF2 i Given a search query q disambiguate the query using the Amazon Lex bot If the Lex disambiguation request yields any keywords K K ii search the photos ElasticSearch index for results and return them accordingly as per the API spec You should look for ElasticSearch SDK libraries to perform 1 n the search iii Otherwise return an empty array of results as per the API spec 4 Build the API layer a Build an API using API Gateway i The Swagger API documentation for the API can be found here https github com 001000001 ai photo search columbia f2018 blob master swagger yaml b The API should have two methods i PUT photos Set up the method as an Amazon S3 Proxy8 This will allow API Gateway to forward your PUT request directly to S3 Use a custom x amz meta customLabelsHTTP header to include any custom labels the user specifies at upload time ii GET search q query text Connect this method to the search Lambda function LF2 c Setup an API key for your two API methods d Deploy the API e Generate a SDK for the API SDK1 8 https docs aws amazon com apigateway latest developerguide integrating api with aws services s3 html 5 Frontend a Build a simple frontend application that allows users to i Make search requests to the GET search endpoint ii Display the results photos resulting from the query iii Upload new photos using the PUT photos In the upload form allow the user to specify one or more custom labels that will be appended to the list of labels detected automatically by Rekognition see above These custom labels should be converted to a comma separated list and uploaded as part of the S3 object s metadata9 using a metadata HTTP header x amz meta customLabels 2 d iii For instance if you specify two custom labels at upload time Sam and Sally the metadata HTTP header should look x amz meta customLabels Sam Sally like b Create a S3 bucket for your frontend B1 c Set up the bucket for static website hosting same as HW1 d Upload the frontend files to the bucket B2 e Integrate the API Gateway generated SDK SDK1 into the frontend to connect your API 6 Implement Voice accessibility in the frontend a Give the frontend user the choice to use voice rather than text to perform the search b Use Amazon Transcribe10 on the frontend to transcribe speech to text STT in real time11 then use the transcribed text to perform the search using the same API like in the previous steps c Note You can use a Google like UI see below for implementing the search 1 input field for text searches and 2 microphone icon for voice interactions 9 https docs aws amazon com AmazonS3 latest userguide UsingMetadata html 10 https aws amazon com transcribe 11 https docs aws amazon com transcribe latest dg streaming html 7 Deploy your code using AWS CodePipeline12 a Define a pipeline P1 in AWS CodePipeline that builds and deploys the code for to all your Lambda functions b Define a pipeline P2 in AWS CodePipeline that builds and deploys your frontend code to its corresponding S3 bucket 8 Create a AWS CloudFormation13 template for the stack a Create a CloudFormation template T1 to represent all the infrastructure

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