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MA 242 Calculus III SP 22 Section 005 TR 3 4 50 Park Shops 201 recitation 005A W 3 3 50 Brooks 318 Prof Sharon Lubkin lubkin ncsu edu 919 515 1904 Zoom office hours M 3 3 45 F 2 2 45 TA Elijah Rutter esrutter ncsu edu 732 208 2451 Zoom office hours F 12 2 00 Content Third of three semesters in a calculus sequence for science and engineering majors Vectors vector algebra and vector functions Functions of several variables partial derivatives gradi ents directional derivatives maxima and mimima Multiple integration Line and surface inte grals Green s Theorem Divergence Theorems Stokes Theorem and applications Use of computational tools 4 credit hours Prerequisite MA 241 with a grade of C or better Unit 1 Geometry and vectors in x y and x y z space Unit 2 The geometry of curves Unit 3 Differentiable multivariable calculus Unit 4 Multiple integrals in Cartesian coordinates Unit 5 Multiple integrals in polar and spherical coordinates Unit 6 Vector fields line and surface integrals Unit 7 Fundamental theorems Green s Stokes Divergence Textbook Calculus III for Engineers and Scientists Franke Griggs Norris This ebook is accessed via WebAssign The combined cost for the book and the webassign homework is about 78 Other Resources The class Moodle has links to class videos demos the office hour Zoom links and other re sources You are welcome to use your own supplementary materials other textbooks videos etc whatever helps you learn Just be careful to notice differences in notation or definitions Grades Homework Webassign and others 15 midterms 4 15 final exam 25 Letter grades will be on the usual 10 point scale with Final exam is Thurs 4 28 3 30 6 This date was set by the university and cannot be changed Midterms will be in recitation tentatively 2 2 2 23 3 23 and 4 13 Policies for Late or Missed Work Make Up Test Policy All anticipated absences must be excused in advance of the test date and a make up test scheduled if possible in advance of the absence These include University duties or trips certified by an appropriate faculty or staff member required court attendance certified by the Clerk of Court or religious observances certified by the Department of Student Devel opment 515 2441 Emergency absences must be reported within one week of returning to class and must be appropriately documented illness by an attending physician or family emer gencies by Student Development No other make ups will be given It is not wise to miss a test Attendance Attendance will be recorded daily in both class and recitation You are expected to arrive on time to class Any student who is not an active class participant the full class period e g doing other work in class socializing sleeping text messaging leaving early is recorded as absent If you miss no more than 4 days AND attend every test I will replace your lowest test grade with your final exam grade assuming it is higher If you miss class or are late you are still responsible for all material covered and assignments due If you fall behind in the course for whatever reason you should reach out to your instructor or TA Your lowest three WebAssign assignments are automatically dropped from your grade These drops are meant to be used for short term illnesses or extenuating circumstances that may cause you to miss or underperform on a particular assignment You can also turn in WebAssign problem sets up to seven days late for 80 credit a 20 penalty For longer term recurring or more serious illness or other interruptions to your participation in this class you should reach out to your instructor or TA as soon as you can and we will make arrangements to help you get caught up Attendance requirements and due dates may be ad justed for documented excused absences Extra Help Tutoring The Academic Success Center ASC offers Drop In and 1 1 Tutoring by Appointment for MA 242 Both formats are available starting Tuesday January 18th 2022 Additionally the ASC offers Weekly Group Tutoring which assigns students to tutoring groups of 3 5 and is a 1 hour week time commitment Joining requires a sign up form The form and additional informa tion can be found at https asc dasa ncsu edu You can also contact the ASC via email aca demic success ncsu edu or phone 919 515 3163 with any questions We encourage and expect you to work together with your classmates on homework assign ments and studying either remotely or in person Office hours are available for extra help from the Professor as scheduled or by appointment and from the TA Academic Integrity On WebAssign and written homework we encourage you to work together with your peers and seek help from the teaching staff textbook and other resources as needed However you should make sure you understand the solutions you submit On Midterms and the Final Exam you may not work with anyone else nor seek outside help collaboration is strictly prohibited unless otherwise specified Each assessment will have instruc tions outlining exactly what resources or electronic aides you are permitted to use Posting course materials to websites like Chegg and Course Hero is a violation of copyright law and course policy and is strictly prohibited Violations of this policy will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct You are expected to abide by the Code of Student Conduct NCSU POL11 35 01 and Pack Pledge Violations of academic integrity will be handled in accordance with the Student Disci pline Procedures NCSU REG 11 35 02 Your signature on any test or assignment indicates I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment Additional Information Requirements for Credit Only S U Grading In order to receive a grade of S students are required to take all exams and quizzes complete all assignments and earn a grade of C or better Conversion from letter grading to credit only S U grading is subject to university dead lines Refer to the Registration and Records calendar for deadlines related to grading For more details refer to http policies ncsu edu regulation reg 02 20 15 Requirements for Auditors AU Information about and requirements for auditing a course can be found at http policies ncsu edu regulation reg 02 20 04 Policies on Incomplete Grades If an extended deadline is not authorized by the instructor or department an unfinished incomplete grade will automatically change to an F after either a the end of the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled not including summer ses sions or b the end of 12

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NCSU MA 242 - MA 242 Syllabus

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