POLI 105 International Relations Notes International actors Nation states studying politics among nations Map quiz study Europe Africa Asia Latin America Goals of IR theory include Logic and debate solving and predicting problems to improve the world Generalizability generalize explanations know this What should theory do Provide a Casual explanation use empirical evidence make a general argument Work from a solid and coherent core logic and strong evidence Logic and evidence are key When testing a theory your goal is 51 of cases the theory applying or not applying to before you can prove or refute a theory The higher the number the better your empirical evidence looks Strong logic and empirical evidence are the cornerstones of a good theory Theories can be diagrammed into component parts these are variabes x y Where X causes Y with intervening variables in the middle of the story The story is the causal tale or casual chain or the process between causal and outcome variables causation X is the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE or the variable that does the causing or the explanatory variable Y is the DEPENDENT VARIABLE or the variable that is being caused or the outcome variable range of outcomes Example Dictatorships cause wars dictators is the X or independent variable wars it the outcomes or what is being caused by X We seek to generalize these explanations Instead of asking what caused WW1 we ask and answer WHAT CAUSES WAR IR theory like most social science theory seeks to be PARSIMONIOUS Parsimony Least amount of variance in the explanation of the outcome Reduced to basically The smaller the number of independent variables that cover the most outcomes the stronger the theoretical explanation Reduce all explanation to only the variable that ACTUALLY CAUSES THE OUTCOME Adding variables is not seen as productive instead degenerate Theories should not be degenerated theories should be falsifiable or falsifiability theories are NOT laws especially social theory Actors States A state is a primary actor in world politics States are SOVEREIGN and SOVEREIGNTY is a criminal concept Political and territorial autonomy A state is defined by its sovereignty self rule Sovereignty generally defines statehood 1648 Peace of Westphalia official start of sovereign state system Krasner Sovereignty is organized hypocrisy recognition power Anarchy not chaos but the absence of any known authority over the concept of the sovereign state Anarchy implies there is no possibility of world govt Map quiz September 11 Systems All states are in multiple systems States institutions people etc Structures All systems have multiple structures and fit into larger structures Individuals Ultimately execute decisions for states but how much choice do they have how much do they matter as agents of change Structure of a system will matter a LOT to realists Framework for theorizing based on three levels Important figure Kenneth Waltz Man the State and War Three images Correspond with level 1st image is INDIVIDUAL LEVEL 2nd image is STATE LEVEL 3rd image is SYSTEMIC or STRUCTURAL LEVEL Each has a set of assumptions First image Individual level Great Man Theory Cause is found in individuals or small groups based on their characteristics Biological psychological THEY CAUSE Not as theoretically rigorous as others Second Image Domestic Level State level of analysis State centric whatever goes on in the state or is attributed What are the attributes of domestic state level domestic politics regime change crisis or change WITHIN THE STATE nationalism WITHIN THE STATE ANYTHING THAT IS CENTRAL TO THE STATE not an individual or something beyond the state Domestic and Individual levels are considered UNIT LEVEL not STRUCTURE but UNITS WITHIN THE STRUCTURE Third image Systems Structures or system wide causes power interdependence more general Systems theory means SYSTEMIC OR STRUCTURAL variables are CASUALLY ANALYTICALLY PRIOR to unit level variables Structure of any given system is what matters as an independent variable MAP QUIZ SEPTEMBER 11 Actors in international relations are states Non state actors Multinational corporations Nongovernmental organizations NGO s Intergovernmental organizations IGO s International organizations IOs blurred line of state vs non state Lepgold key arguments IR is composed of many groups beyond this rift institutions support integration shared goals of these groups and institutions make better policies based on good assumptions about actors motivations etc HELP THE STATESMEN to HELP THE STATE which informs theory Some theories are more helpful than others You need to be able to answer 3 questions at the end of each reading Who wrote the article generically what is the title of the article in three sentences or less what is this about Realism Practical Reaction to Idealism Which was not a theory but an approach or worldview seen as a failed idea of the post WW1 era Historical roots of Realism Sun Tzu Machiavelli Hobbes State of Nature state of war Bismarck Realpolitik Hand Morgenthau Politics Among Nations 1946 First real IR text devoted to explaining world politics with balance of power Hans Morgenthau Politics Among Nations 1946 First real IR text devoted to explaining world politics with balance of power Early Realism classical realism States seek power also emanates from a natural lust for power accept anarchy and the competitive nature of international system unit level causation is possible diplomacy individuals etc but usually systemic philosophy and science Measure of power for realists Material military economic these are the primary measures for realism Core Assumptions of Realists 1 States are the primary actors rational actors primary but not sole actors for example Statesmen matter to Morgenthau 2 States seek to have more power logical ethical natural 3 Balance of power is key determinant of international politics For classical realists POWER is a means AND an END It is rooted in the importance of the balance of power systemic but also in a human philosophical idea that men seek power individuals and states might matter and this aggregates up to the state Power is ZERO SUM gain of one state is loss for another in any given system Power is finite Realists see biggest problem in IR as UNCERTAINTY Therefore always seek a relative balance NEVER LOSE POWER try to gain or maintain status quo All realists speak to the SECURITY DILEMMA Based on the idea of uncertainty Logic of security dilemma Any
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