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Name Stella Mabiala Gene Expression and Mutations Part 1 Fill in the blanks and answer the questions Be sure to give detailed responses Transcription and Translation 1 Transcription uses DNA as a template to make mRNA 2 Transcription occurs in the nucleus of Eukaryotic cells 3 Translation occurs in the cytoplasm of Eukaryotic cells 4 Translation produces protein 5 ribosomes are protein making factories 6 What is a codon a three base sequence in mRNA codes for a specific amino acid 1 The 3 types of point mutations are Replacement Mutations Insertion Deletion 2 Point mutations change one base in the DNA sequence 3 What is a chromosomal aberration Changes to the overall organization of the genes on a chromosome 4 What are some of the major causes of mutations Some are chemically induced some are spontaneous some are radiation induced 5 What are some of the possible results of mutations Possible mutation that benefits the organism A mutation that neither hurts nor harms the organism A negative mutation that does not benefit the organism Name Stella Mabiala Part 2 Compare the mutated strands of DNA to the original template DNA in number one 1 Template DNA sequence with no mutations TAC GCA CCG TAT CAT GAT AAT a Transcribe the DNA to make an mRNA molecule Write the correct sequence of bases below ATG CGT GGC ATA GTA CTA TTA b Translate the mRNA to make a strand of amino acids a protein Use the table of codons found at the end of the assignment to help you List the amino acids in order below UAC GCA CCG UAU CAU GAU AAU 2 The following strand of DNA has a mutation TAC CCA CCG TAT CAT GAT AAT of bases below ATG GGC ATA GTA CTA TTA a Transcribe the DNA to make an mRNA molecule Write the correct sequence b Translate the mRNA to make a strand of amino acids a protein Use the table of codons on page 191 in your textbook to help you List the amino acids in order below UAC CCG UAU CAU GAU AAU c Compare this strand of DNA to the DNA in number 1 What type of mutation is this Be specific list all mutation types that apply TAC GCA CCG TAT CAT GAT AAT TAC CCA CCG TAT CAT GAT AAT This is a point mutation specifically a nucleotide substitution d How did the mutation change the amino acid sequence The base grouping and the sequence of the genes after the substitution will be thrown off 3 The following mutation occurred to the sequence in 1 TAC GCA CCG TAT ATG ATA AT a Transcribe the DNA to make an mRNA molecule Write the correct sequence of bases below Name Stella Mabiala ATG CGT ATA TAC TAT TA b Translate the mRNA to make a strand of amino acids a protein Use the table of codons on page 191 in your textbook to help you List the amino acids in order below UAC GCA UAU AUG AUA UA c Compare this strand of DNA to the DNA in number 1 What type of mutation is this Be specific list all mutation types that apply TAC GCA CCG TAT CAT GAT AAT TAC GCA CCG TAT ATG ATA AT This is a point mutation specifically a nucleotide deletion d How did the mutation change the amino acid sequence The mutation harmfully alters the sequence of the amino acid

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Wake Tech BIO 112 - Gene Expression Activity

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