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Notes on Exam 4 Chapter 18 Stella Mabiala The following notes will give you details on the exam questions that will be taken from Chapter 18 including which PowerPoint slide the question comes from 1 What disciplines are involved with Conservation Biology Be able to define and understand the difference between genetic diversity species diversity and ecosystem diversity Slide 2 genetic diversity focuses on how many different genetic variations there are within a specific location Species diversity focuses on the different types of species there are within a specific location Ecosystem diversity focuses on the diversity within a particular region 2 What 3 ecosystems have the highest biodiversity Slide 3 Tropical Rainforests Coral Reefs and Islands 3 Know the difference between mass extinctions and background extinctions Slide 4 Mass extinctions are large portions of species getting lost over a short period of time Background extinctions happen at lower rates 4 Which of the following are more likely to go extinct Slide 5 6 a Populations with a large geographic range or small geographic range b Large local population size or small local population size c Populations with a high habitat tolerance or low habitat tolerance 5 What is an exotic invasive species Describe 2 examples What are some reasons why invasive species do well in new areas Slides 8 9 An invasive species is a species that is introduced into a new environment by human activity Examples of an exotic species are the cane toad and the fire ant 6 What gases created by burning fossil fuels combine with water in the atmosphere to create Acid Rain What are the effects of Acid Rain Slides 7 8 Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 7 What are the greenhouses gases and how do they increase the temperature and greenhouse effect What are some impacts of climate change Slides 14 17 Carbon dioxide and Methane increase the temperature of the earth because as these gases get released into the atmosphere temperatures increase The temperature increase effect natural disasters pH animal migration sea levels are rising RIP to the polar bears plant cycles 8 Why do we need the Ozone Layer What are some impacts of UVB radiation What class of chemicals is responsible for damaging the ozone layer Slides 18 22 The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolent radiation The chemicals that damaged the ozone are CFC S that break up the ozone molecules once it gets sunlight The impacts of UVB include increase in skin cancer cataracts and reduce rate of photosynthesis 9 What destructive process is used to open land up for farming and mining in the tropics This process damages Rainforests Slide 23 Deforestation

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