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Outlining a Policy Brief Proposition 114 Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado To practice identifying ways to address environmental issues through policy consider your view of the case of wolf reintroduction in Colorado and the key characteristics of the policy proposed to develop a policy brief outline around 250 words total Your policy brief outline should be in sentence form not simply key word form and should include a list of sources in APA style that includes at least three relevant reliable sources Week 11 Recitation Name Recitation TA Title Executive Summary Context or Scope of Problem Policy Alternatives Policy Recommendations Appendices Sources Grading rubric 5 points total 2 points for completion 3 points for quality of policy brief outline 2 points A complete outline that addresses each aspect of the policy brief at the appropriate level of resolution 1 3 sentences for each main content section Executive Summary through Policy Recommendations and at least three reliable sources 1 point Quality of content the outline displays key claims in a cogent argument about the policy issue the claims and justifications are well selected no major gaps germane content 1 point An APA style bibliography of at least 3 reliable sources can be drawn from BallotPedia source list 1 point Quality of writing using clear concise direct prose and well formed sentences APA style bibliography

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