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The international community should intervene with military force to halt large scale killing or genocide within a state An intervention allows them to prevent genocide which can cause mayhem within a state With the example of Libya Qaddafi began to reclaim control against the rebels There was a prospect of a bloodbath in their second largest city Benghazi NATO decided to intervene with military force to protect the civilians in Libya A major factor in the decision for intervention was the incident in Bosnia In June 1995 Serb forces overran a city of Bosnia and massacred 8 000 men and boys Outside forces saw it as an opportunity to prevent another atrocity as such The states that are prepared to intervene should decide when humanitarian intervention is justified The issue which arises with giving the UN Security Council autonomy is the veto power of members Both veto members China and Russia loath to endorse humanitarian rights and further prevented action against Sudan and Syria with the threat of their veto due to personal interests NATO is well qualified to act in support of human rights but under international law it does not have the authority to undertake such an operation

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