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Natural Selection can be defined most simply by saying it is the differential reproduction of individuals within a population Therefore in light of natural selection it is more important to pass on your genes than to beat up your neighbor for food Is Evolution testable Yes evolution is testable through the scientific method Choose the percentage of DNA from a single individual that can be found within relatives Daughter 50 Sister 50 Cousin 50 Niece sister s daughter 25 Granddaughter daughter s daughter 25 Great Granddaughter daughter s daughter s daughter 12 5 Daughter 50 Sister 50 Cousin 12 5 Niece 25 Granddaughter25 Great GDT 12 5 Match the name of the person with their contribution to the study of evolution Nicolaus Steno Principal of Superstition and the Principle of Original Horizontality Georges Cuvier developed functional study of animals developed vertebrate paleontology solidified existence of extinction Charles Darwin developed mechanism for evolution through Natural Selection Sexual Selection Alfred Wallace developed mechanism of evolution through Natural selection Evolution occurs through both random and directed means Which of the following are the directed ways that evolution progresses Environmental selection of phenotypes Choose all the things that Evolution needs to proceed a variation b time c information transfer Variation for a trait in a population of organisms can be measured graphed and shown to produce which kind of pattern Normal distribution What creates the boundaries for the distribution of a trait within a population Evolutionary What is evolutionary fitness Evolutionary Fitness is how well a species is able to reproduce in its environment The myth of the cyclops is based on which of these fossil animals Elephants mammoths mastodons

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