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Julie Livingston Maintaining Local Dependencies 1 What are the official aims of community based rehabilitation CBR programs in Botswana pp 170 180 1 How might you compare them to other aims of healing that we have discussed 2 What are the ideal relationships between elderly mothers and grown daughters in Botswana Why are these relationships coming under strain pp 174 5 3 What are the characteristics of a gradual and benign aging process for women in Botswana p 178 Why is such a process becoming harder to count on 4 Why was David s great grandmother Neo receptive to CBR work while his grandmother Florence was not pp 165 6 176 7 5 Why might regaining bodily functions lost through strokes or other debilitating impairments not be an important goal for many women pp 179 180 6 Why might grandmothers decide to call a grandchild s debility either cerebral palsy or alternatively mopakwane pp 182 3 7 Recall how Robert Murphy experienced a diminished sense of personhood when he became paralyzed because he could no longer occupy a sick role in which he could be expected to recover On the basis of Livingston s essay would you expect to find that Batswana who become disabled suffer a diminishment of personhood in the same ways and for the same reasons

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UB APY 275LEC - Maintaining Local Dependencies

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