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PHIL105 007 Critical Reasoning Winter 2021 22 Dr Peter Amato peterama drexel edu Office Hours virtual W 12 30 2 00 R 11 30 1 00 and by appt at other times at the following zoom link https drexel zoom us j 89622790476 Class meets TR 9 30 10 50 in Lincoln Plaza rm 326 Exercise Set 1 Hi Here is our first Exercise Set due by 5 00pm Wednesday January 19 Please email it to me as a Word document You can also hand it in as a hard copy or place it in my mailbox in the English Philosophy Department mailroom MacAlister 5057 or slip it under my office door up until 5 00pm Wednesday Emailed work will be considered on time if sent by that time Do no research for this assignment Consulting any material other than the class text constitutes plagiarism if it is not clearly acknowledged by citation in writing Discussing or working with others to complete any part of this assignment is cheating If you are not sure about this let me know and we can discuss it further Let me know if you have any questions or concerns Exercise 1 1 Review Questions Instructions Based only on our text and class discussion answer these questions directly clearly completely and correctly in your own words as much as possible in at least 5 7 complete sentences each 25 points 1 Explain the two ways this course is not supposed to be typical as these are discussed in the Preface of the book for this class 2 What are the two main types of skills involved in critical reasoning Describe each one 3 Explain how critical reasoning is related to the kind of activity pursued by a music art or literary critic 4 Explain fully what it means to be a reasonable person and by contrast to behave irrationally 5 Carefully explain the philosophical meaning of the word bias and how it is different from the everyday meaning of bias Exercise 1 2 Simple Argument Analyses Instructions Apply the Four Step Method of Argument Analysis introduced in Chapter 2 to analyze the following simple arguments Circle the logical indicators or reformat in bold italics place the conclusion in brackets underline all premises and write out the question and two basic assumptions in the spaces below each argument 30 points 1 We should definitely take our next vacation to Finland It has lovely lakes and fjords about which to hike and lots of beautiful wildlife including the majestic moose Also one can see birds like the Norwegian Blue Parrot 2 It is a good idea to carry an umbrella if it s likely to rain and rain is being predicted by the Eye Witness Action News Team on Channel 47 for this Saturday evening Consequently you should carry your umbrella when you go to the opera on Saturday 3 Although the Eye Witness Action News Team predicts rain for Saturday you should leave your umbrella home because I will be carrying mine and having two dripping wet umbrellas to look after during the opera will be messy and inconvenient 4 Since the radio transmission tower was installed near the High School we have had an unusually large number of cancer diagnoses among our students Therefore the radio transmission tower could possibly be a contributing cause of the cancers Question Assuming Assuming Question Assuming Assuming Question Assuming Assuming Question Assuming Assuming 1 5 There is no course that helps students as much as PHIL105 Critical Reasoning in developing the skills to learn and succeed in college And it has no prerequisites So all students should take PHIL105 Critical Reasoning in their first year of college Exercise 1 3 Compound Argument Analyses Instructions Apply the Four Step Method of Argument Analysis introduced in Ch 2 to analyze the following compound arguments Circle the logical indicators or reformat in bold italics place each conclusion in brackets underline all premises and write out the question and two basic assumptions in the spaces below each argument 45 points 6 Seeing as she is such a great dancer I will not ask Michelle to be my date for the Senior Prom Hence I am going to ask my friend Mary Ann to go with me to the Prom instead 7 If businesses continue holding down wages they will further damage the economy since workers will be less and less able to purchase consumer goods because inflation will continue to erode the purchasing power of their wages 8 Drinking from a water fountain is always preferable to purchasing bottled water for the processes involved in the production and transport of plastic water bottles is extremely energy intensive and waste producing Thus let s look to see if there s a clean working fountain before purchasing bottled water 9 You should cook meals at home as often as you can since it s a good idea to limit the number of times you eat out each week seeing as it s impossible to really know the quality and variety of ingredients used in making restaurant food Also it can be expensive to eat out Question Assuming Assuming Question Assuming Assuming Question Assuming Assuming Question Assuming Assuming frequently Question Assuming Assuming 10 I originally thought it would be best to live in a tall building with a beautiful view but recently I have come to think it s not such a good idea Here s why it s a little scary to be so dependent on elevators to get to and from my home Consequently I am currently looking for a one or two story home Question Assuming Assuming 2

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