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Seven Quality Control Tools 1 Pareto analysis 2 Flowcharts 3 Check sheets 4 Histograms 5 Scatter diagrams 6 Control charts 7 Fishbone diagram Documenting the Process Process Charts An organized way to document all the activities performed by a person or group Activities are typically organized into five categories Operation Transportation Inspection Delay Storage Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 2 Process Charts Step No Time min Distance ft Step Description Enter emergency room approach patient window Sit down and fill out patient history Nurse escorts patient to ER triage room Nurse inspects injury Return to waiting room X Wait for available bed Go to ER bed Wait for doctor Doctor inspects injury and questions patient Nurse takes patient to radiology Technician x rays patient Return to bed in ER Wait for doctor to return X Doctor provides diagnosis and advice Return to emergency entrance area Check out Walk to pharmacy Pick up prescription Leave the building X X X Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 50 15 0 10 00 0 75 40 0 0 75 40 0 1 00 60 0 3 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 200 0 2 00 200 0 1 00 60 0 2 00 180 0 1 00 20 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Process Charts Activity X Operation Summary Distance Enter emergency room approach patient window ft Step Description Time Number min of Steps Sit down and fill out patient history 23 00 5 Nurse escorts patient to ER triage room Transport Nurse inspects injury 11 00 815 Inspect X Return to waiting room Wait for available bed Go to ER bed Wait for doctor 9 2 3 8 00 8 00 Doctor inspects injury and questions patient Nurse takes patient to radiology Technician x rays patient Return to bed in ER Wait for doctor to return X Doctor provides diagnosis and advice Return to emergency entrance area Check out Walk to pharmacy Pick up prescription Leave the building Delay Store X X X Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 4 Step No Time min Distance ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 50 15 0 10 00 0 75 40 0 0 75 40 0 1 00 60 0 3 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 200 0 2 00 200 0 1 00 60 0 2 00 180 0 1 00 20 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X BAR CHART Pareto Example The manager of a neighborhood restaurant is concerned about the smaller numbers of customers patronizing his eatery Complaints have been rising and he would like to find out what issues to address and present the findings in a way his employees can understand The manager surveyed his customers over several weeks and collected the following data Complaint Discourteous server Slow service Cold dinner Cramped table Atmosphere Frequency 12 42 5 20 10 Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 5 s e r u l i a F 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 10 5 0 Discourteous server Slow service Cold dinner Cramped tables Atmosphere Example Failure Name Bar Chart Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 6 Pareto Chart for a Restaurant s e r u l i a F 45 40 35 30 25 20 10 5 0 42 20 89 100 69 7 100 0 80 0 60 0 40 0 20 0 0 0 l a t o T f o t n e c r e P Slow service Cramped tables Discourteous server Atmosphere Cold dinner Failure Name Pareto Chart Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 7 Fishbone Example The operations manager for Checker Board Airlines at Port Columbus International Airport noticed an increase in the number of delayed flight departures Draw a Fishbone Diagram to determine the root cause of the problem of Delayed Flight Departures Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 8 Example Equipment Personnel Other Aircraft late to gate Passenger processing at gate Mechanical failures Late cabin cleaners Weather Air traffic delays Unavailable cockpit crew Late cabin crew Delayed flight departures Late baggage to aircraft Poor announcement of departures Late fuel Weight balance sheet late Late food service Delayed check in procedure Contractor not provided with updated schedule Materials Procedures Waiting for late passengers Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall 04 9 Control Charts s n o ti a i r a V UCL LCL Nominal Sample number b Run Take action Copyright 2013 Pearson Education Inc Publishing as Prentice Hall 05 10

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TOWSON EBTM 735 - Seven Quality Control Tools

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