1 The goal of learning about biology through the lens of other sciences is to all of them gain new insights into biology become a more judicious citizen and recognize that the world does not work in isolated boxes 2 As currently defined Citizen Science is The participation of citizens in science research 3 Who was one of the first scientists to use math and physics to determine constraints on living beings Galileo Galilei 4 What two sciences mentioned in the Introduction chapter of the textbook help us learn about the metabolism of an ecosystem Information Theory Network Theory 5 Match the scientific principles with their meaning Examples include Superposition and Gravity Law Hypothesis Makes testable predictions about a single idea Theory Explains universal phenomenon that work under a variety of conditions The first step for this is to make observations in nature Hypothesis It describes a specific phenomenon that always works under certain conditions Law Examples include Evolution and Relativity Theory 6 A college student has a new job and must balance classes and commute times to work The student takes two weeks to drive from campus to the workplace by several routes including a direct route through town a highway route and a route through a city park Comparing the drive times affected by the route speed limits and intersections is possible The dependent variable is the average time in minutes it takes to drive from campus to workplace 7 Select all of the properties of biological entities not just life but all biological entities 8 Most viruses infect only a few closely related species 9 How does the Corona Virus attach to your cell By the outer spikes 10 Where do viruses live in our bodies to protect from harmful bacteria noses
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