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English 112 Literature Review Synthesis Matrix American Teens and Slang Social Sciences Observation Report 1 Zhou Fan Al Shlowiy Sevina Mills Atwood Cha American teens and trends in developing new slang terms American youths especially the teenagers and college students are the main consumers and makers of Slang p 2211 They are radical in every aspect including their ways of using language p 2211 Teens aren t afraid of making mistakes and willing to explore the unknown within language especially p 2211 Adolescents and teenagers use texting language extensively to communicate p 456 When regarding text language as a form of slang children are more sensitive to orthographic patterns and they are more able to play with them to create texts p 460 Technology media and the shift of social linguistic tendencies Teens tend to make good use of slang terms created by musicians pop singers or those engaged in popular trends p 2211 Today technology is redefining the fundamental cues content and cadence of our communication and the improvisational uniquely human dimension of connection p 85 Texting language textese Internet language digital language and chatting language Such expressions build up a new variety of English that is very common among Internet users bloggers chatters gamers and teenagers in general It is considered an informal written language much like slang which is an informal spoken variety of the language This paper uses the term texting language TL to mean all these kinds of messages expressions and abbreviations p 455 English 112 Literature Review Synthesis Matrix American Teens and Slang Social Sciences Observation Report 2 Zhou Fan Al Shlowiy Sevina Mills Atwood Cha Use of slang and cultural social settings If someone uses the words and expressions within a certain social group or professional group they will blend with the groups member p 2212 Slang is a class of language among other social and psychological uses to deny allegiance to elite and proper society p 2212 The general opinion that texting language and its profuse use of abbreviations and slang can impact negatively on student language and literacy Text messaging is not the threat many fear it is p 457 Teachers can use the texting phenomenon as a perfect example to teach language change and innovation p 457 It is the census across all three of these articles used in this research that technology and media play a major role in the distinct evolution of language and speech specifically in the developmental teen age range Teens are engulfed in technology i e television smart phones and internet These advances subject them to terms from a plethora of influences Today technology is redefining the fundamental cues content and cadence of our communication Sevina Mills Atwood Cha 2017 p 85 Abbreviations text language etc is considered slang that develop within the youth range in America According to Zhou and Fan American teens are the main consumers and makers of slang p 2211 Considering that text language is a form of slang Al Slowiy concurs that children are more sensitive to orthographic patterns and they are more able to play with them to create texts p 460 Slang expressions are useful in this developmental range socially it helps them fit into cliques or have a sense of belonging likewise to also create a sense of identity and stand out among others Zhou Y Fan Y 2013 p 2212 Text language could be considered as a bad thing however Al Shlowiy suggested that teachers can use the texting phenomenon as a perfect example to teach language change and innovation p 457 English 112 Literature Review Synthesis Matrix American Teens and Slang Social Sciences Observation Report 3 References Al Showiy Ahmed 2014 Text abbreviations and language learning International Journal of Arts Sciences Vol 7 issue 3 pages 455 retrieved from http www go galegroup com Savina E Mills J Atwood K Cha J 2017 Digital media and youth a primer for school psychologists Contemporary School Psychology Vol 21 pages 80 91 retrieved from http www go galegroup com Zhou Y Fan Y 2013 A sociolinguistic study of American slang Theory and Practice in Language Studies Vol 3 issue 12 pages 2209 retrieved from http www go galegroup com

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