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1 Identify 3 case study infrastructure initiatives government programs or other policies from lecture and the Module 1 readings that you feel could effectively improve Internet access in your hometown or a city near you I believe that that internet providers being required to offer affordable service at 15 a month to low income householders would be effective in my hometown in Arizona There are many family that are big and do not make a lot as internet is becoming more evolved and needed in todays world I believe that this shouldn t be a thought Including actual competition between the providers will be good because usually people go with the cheapest in Arizona as tats is what they are able to afford for a big family 2 The article To Bridge Digital and Divide Cities tap their own infrastructure by Linda Poon lists various approaches to improving internet access and quality Which case study implementation program is the most feasible to implement for your hometown or a city near you What barriers might stand in the way of implementing the system The city San Antonio in this article approach to improve internet access and quality is most feasible to implement in my hometown As I went home during the pandemic and saw many people experience a lose or having to go somewhere else because there internet was not as reliable for school it was saddening Through the CARES Act I know that it helped many families near me with being able to provide them even a new laptop and their families with providing better internet Some barriers that may stand in the way is that CARES Act provide the citys 50 most vulnerable neighborhood may not reach everyone as sometimes people live with their grandparents and as a whole they are able to provide themselves in a better neighborhood but for extra utilities they may be missing and the CARES act wouldn t be able to provide as they aren t in a vulnerable neighborhood This is just getting the majority of those who are unable which is great 3 Chicago s AoT includes a variety of sensors that can collect and transmit information ranging from analyzing traffic patterns to housing public WiFi hotspots Why should cities consider installing streetlight sensing nodes Cities should consider installing streetlight sensing nodes because it s a way to get data on light air temperature vibration carbon monoxide nitrogen dioxide sound intensity vehicle traffic surface temperature I think that the data that can be collected with these as it is important for us to understand and engage with the data this will only make our cities better Getting this data the cities will be ablet o take specific actions and make the city healthier and better Is where would the providers get the money to be able to allow this to happen they would be losing money The payback would come from where And then I suppose a flaw would be that it would need to be stated at this point that it is a basic right otherwise other things will need to be lower for low income families Without this being labeled as a basic right or need there is no need to make it It is known as a luxury right now

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