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ETHOS PATHOS LOGOS THE RHETORICAL TRIANGLE The triangle image represents the balance of all three appeals that a writer should use for an effective argument Each appeal is as important as the others and too much of one is likely to produce an argument that readers will either find unconvincing or that will cause them to stop reading Note how each of the areas potentially affects the others An illogical argument may move us emotionally but only in the sense that it makes us angry at the author for wasting our time An overwhelming emotional argument may make us feel that the author is relying exclusively on emotions rather than offering solid reasoning Finally if an argument contains only facts and figures and no emotional appeals we may simply get bored Ethos refers to the writer s ethics which means a writer s authority or character to deal with a topic Some questions to consider o Does the writer seem trustworthy o Does the writer seem knowledgeable and reasonable o What comparisons does the writer make to other people places or events within the text to establish authority For example Dr King s Letter from the Birmingham Jail would be less effective if Dr King had not experienced life as an African American male His experiences and testimony bring creditability and merit to the topic of equality Pathos refers to the argument s emotional appeals or the text s ability to establish a relationship with an audience This does not mean necessarily how well the text makes one cry but how the text moves a reader prefix e means with motion emotion Many times this appeal is how a writer will make an argument matter to readers Advertisements do it all the time Perhaps a writer will offer an anecdote to illustrate suffering or appeal to readers as parents concerned for their children Some questions to consider o Does the writer appeal to your emotions feelings of sadness pride fear being young anger patriotism love justice o How does the writer text try to establish a relationship or common ground with the reader o What circumstances can we as an audience relate to For example movies instill pathos with their characters so the audience will relate and understand their endeavors struggles and successes With pathos one relates to the characters because they become truly human with real emotions and real situations that we can understand and relate to i e a single parent raising children someone going to college from an impoverished area being recognized for an accomplishment Logos corresponds with the argument s logical appeals Effective arguments will include facts and other supporting details to back up the author s claims positions They may contain testimony from authorities and will demonstrate the writer s carefulness in choosing and considering evidence They are likely to be well organized and skillfully written Questions to consider o What claim is the author arguing Is the claim relevant valid for today o Does the writer jump to conclusions or have logical fallacies o What points does he she offer to support this idea

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