Grader Instructions Word 2019 Project Exp19 Word Ch04 HOEAssessment Security You are enrolled in a cyber security course at your local university One of the assignments is to write a group paper with another student about password security You and your partner conducted research on the topic and wrote a final draft of the report Your partner has provided some feedback and suggestions and you will review the feedback and make corrections to the paper where needed You will also need to document the sources of the information used for the paper You will use track changes accepting and rejecting them as necessary credit sources used in the preparation of the report address your partner s comments include a table of contents and an index Project Description Steps to Perform Step Instructions Points Possible 1 2 3 4 5 Start Word Download and open the file named Exp19 Word Ch04 HOEAssessment Security docx Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename Apply the following formatting to the whole document Document is double spaced The font is Times New Roman There is no paragraph spacing before or after any paragraph Margins are 1 at the top bottom left and right Alignment is left Ensure that All Markup view is displayed On the first page reject the replacement of the three words used i e recognize choices and employed Accept all other changes in the document and stop tracking Modify the Title style to reflect the first comment left by your partner Reply to the first comment by typing Adjusted Title style include the period and mark the comment as Resolved Find the second comment which is in the Poor Password Practices section and italicize the passwords as instructed in the comment but not the commas Mark the comment as Resolved 0 10 4 10 Create a new paragraph before the word Password as indicated by the third comment on page 3 Delete the comment Change the Bibliography Style to APA Sixth Edition Click before the period in the last sentence in the first paragraph in the Poor Password Practices and Their Consequences section with the sentence ending with and other well known passwords Insert the following article citation 8 Author Storm Darlene Created On 10 16 2019 1 Exp19 Word Ch04 HOEAssessment Security 1 2 Grader Instructions Step Instructions Word 2019 Project Points Possible Title Worst Most Common Passwords for the Last 5 Years Periodical Title ComputerWorld Year 2016 Month January Day 20 URL http www computerworld com article 3024404 Note Mac users do not need to add the URL Insert a citation to the same source before the period in the last sentence in the third paragraph on page 3 with the sentence ending with offline password managers are even free Click before the period at the end of the last sentence in the first paragraph of the Recommended Password Practices section with the sentence ending with should not just be added to the end Insert the following website citation 6 Author Schneier Bruce Name of Web Page Choosing Secure Passwords Name of Web Site Schneier on Security Year 2014 Month March Day 3 URL https www schneier com blog archives 2014 03 choosing secur e 1 html Insert a footnote after the last password example in the Poor Password Practices section Type the text Common passwords as obtained from data breaches include the period Change the number format for footnotes to 1 2 3 in the Footnotes dialog box Click Apply not Insert Insert a blank page at the end of the report and insert a bibliography in APA style on the blank page with the title Works Cited The bibliography should be double spaced with no paragraph spacing before or after Ensure that bibliography is formatted with the Times New Roman font and 12 pt size and that all text in the bibliography should be Black Text 1 font color Center the Works Cited title 10 10 0 11 6 7 8 9 10 Insert the Ion Light cover page Change the Year to 2020 Type Password Recommendations as the Document title Type your first Created On 10 16 2019 2 Exp19 Word Ch04 HOEAssessment Security 1 2 Grader Instructions Step Instructions Word 2019 Project Points Possible and last name as the Author Delete the Document subtitle placeholder Create a table of contents using the Classic style format with a dot leader on a new page positioned between the cover page and the current page 2 Insert a footer with a centered page number using Banded format Do not display the page number footer on the first page Numbering begins with page 1 on the Table of Contents page Mark the following words as index entries selecting Mark All for each access control rainbow tables password manager and phishing Select the first occurrence of Offline password managers and set a cross reference as See online password managers Note please be sure to search your document to ensure that all occurrences are marked as specified press CTRL F and use the Navigation Pane to locate each one Add an index on a blank page at the end of the document Use Classic format with 2 columns and accept all other default settings Save and close Exp19 Word Ch04 HOEAssessment Security docx Exit Word Submit the file as directed 10 8 7 6 0 11 12 13 14 15 Total Points 100 Created On 10 16 2019 3 Exp19 Word Ch04 HOEAssessment Security 1 2
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