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Grader Instructions Word 2019 Project Exp19 Word Ch03 Cap Boston You work with Boston Travels a tour company that promotes various travel opportunities in Boston To assist in that promotion you develop a flyer designing and formatting attractive tables to describe tours In addition you include sponsor names on the flyer through a mail merge process Project Description Steps to Perform Step Instructions Points Possible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Start Word Download and open the file named Exp19 Word Ch03 CAP Boston docx Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename Display nonprinting characters With the insertion point at the beginning of the document press ENTER Return to the beginning of the document and insert a 3x2 table Type Boston Travels in the first cell on the first row In the first cell of the second row insert Boston1 png Change the picture height to 1 In the second cell of the second row insert Boston2 png Change the picture height to 1 In the third cell of the second row insert Boston3 png and resize it to 1 Click the Table Move handle to select the table AutoFit table contents Merge all cells on the first row and apply Align Center alignment to the row Change the font size of text in row 1 to 22 pt Cell margins provide space between a cell s inside edges and the beginning of cell contents By reducing cell margins you remove some of the extra space so that cell contents are more nearly aligned at the edge of a cell Because pictures are in this table s cells a neater arrangement is shown when there is very little space between them Apply a table style of Grid Table 4 Accent 2 row 4 column 3 under Grid Tables Center the table horizontally on the page Reduce left and right cell margins to 0 Click the Table Move handle to select the table Select a border style of Double solid lines pt Orange Accent 2 sixth column first row under Theme Colors Apply the border to outside borders By converting existing text to a table you are able to use table design and layout tools resulting in an attractive and well designed feature 0 8 8 9 8 6 6 Press ENTER after the last body paragraph ending in fantastic pricing Select text at the end of the document from Back Created On 03 03 2020 1 Exp19 Word Ch03 CAP Boston 1 2 Grader Instructions Step Instructions Word 2019 Project Points Possible 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bay Fenway to 16 00 Whether you select the paragraph mark following 16 00 is irrelevant Convert the text to a table accepting all dialog box settings Insert a column before the first column in the second table Type Family Fun Tours in the first cell of the new column Select the first three cells in the new column and merge them Type Patriot Tours in the second cell of the first column below the merged area Select the second third and fourth cells in the first column and merge them Type JFK Harvard Tours in the third cell of the first column below the Patriot Tours merged cell Select the last three cells in the first column and merge them Select the third column Click Split Cells and deselect Merge cells before split Accept all other dialog box settings Change the width of the second column to 2 Change the width of the last two columns to 0 85 Insert a row above the first row Type Tour Package in the first cell of the new row Type Attraction in the second cell on the same row Type Discounted Admission in the third cell on the same row Merge the last two cells on row 1 Apply Align Center alignment to row 1 Create a formula in the last cell on row 2 that subtracts 0 4 admission price from the admission price The admission price is shown in cell c2 so the formula should be c2 0 4 c2 The Number format should be 0 00 Adjusting for each row enter a discounted admission formula for each attraction in the table Apply a table style of List Table 4 Accent 2 row 4 column 3 under List Tables Center the table horizontally on the page Apply Align Center alignment to all cells in column 1 Changing font color is one way to draw attention to an item of interest In this case you want readers to recognize the substantial discount shown in red Select all numbers in the last column and change the font color to Red second column in Standard colors Change the price of the Freedom Trail Statehouse Tour from 15 00 to 16 00 Update the formula field in the same row to reflect the new discount value Check for any spelling or grammatical errors correcting any that are identified Ignore any clarity or conciseness concerns 6 6 4 12 10 7 Created On 03 03 2020 2 Exp19 Word Ch03 CAP Boston 1 2 Word 2019 Project Points Possible Grader Instructions Step 14 15 Instructions Begin a mail merge choosing Letters and selecting Sponsors xlsx as the data source Data is located on Sheet1 of the data source Edit the recipient list to sort by Sponsor in ascending order Replace Sponsor on the last line of the document with the merge field of Sponsor Ensure that the brackets are included in the text to be replaced Preview results and then finish the merge editing individual documents and merging all Press CTRL A to select all of the merged document and copy the selection Display Exp19 Word Ch03 CAP Boston move the insertion point to the end of the document after the Sponsor name and insert a page break Paste all copied text resulting in a 9 page document 0 10 0 16 Save and close Exp19 Word Ch03 CAP Boston Close all other open documents without saving Submit Exp Word Ch03 CAP Boston docx as directed Total Points 100 Created On 03 03 2020 3 Exp19 Word Ch03 CAP Boston 1 2

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