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Anh Nguyen Dr Richards EN 099 09 18 September 2018 Favorite food As a food lover there are a myriad dishes that I fall in love with In those guilty pleasures I choose fried chicken as my favorite specifically Korean fried chicken with hot sweet sauce To be honest I could take it every day if I was not on diet This dish is different from the regular where we can obtain in KFC Mc Donald etc In the process they cut chicken into small pieces and coat in flour or batter then dip fried until it is golden brown The most prime element that plays the significant role to the dish is the sauce which is made of Korean chili paste sugar vinegar sesame oil etc It has juicy interior and crispy exterior which makes up a perfect combination of good taste Moreover the sweetness and spiciness stimulates our appetite that makes us want more I usually eat Korean fried chicken once a week at my favorite restaurant in Vietnam Don Chicken Ssal Chicken BoomDak etc To end up this is the dish that I feel craving for these days Favorite food There are a myriad of dishes that I fall in love with but my most favorite one is Korean fried chicken with hot sweet sauce To be honest I could eat that dish every day if I was not on a diet Although it is fried chicken the taste is slightly different from other regular dishes that can be found in Kentucky Fried Chicken Mc Donald In the cooking process the Korean chefs cut the chicken into small pieces and coat the meat in flour or batter After that they use deep fried technique until its skin turns golden brown The most prime element that plays the significant role to the dish is the sauce which is made of Korean chili paste sugar vinegar and sesame oil The meat has juicy interior and crispy exterior which makes up a perfect combination of good taste Moreover the sweetness and spiciness stimulates my appetite that makes me want to eat more Korean fried chicken is the best when it is served with sesame rice and seaweed I usually eat Korean fried chicken once a week at my favorite restaurant back in Vietnam Don Chicken Ssal Chicken BoomDak and other Korean restaurants To sum up this is the dish that I crave for these days Anh this dish sounds amazing I liked the content of this paragraph but there are some consistent errors that I noticed in your paper that you need to work on correcting this semester First you continuously use etc in your papers but the reader does not know what etc is exactly For a reader you need to give as many details as possible instead of just listing two or three and then writing etc afterward For the first etc you could substitute and other American restaurants that serve chicken For the next etc you could substitute and other ingredients For the last etc you could substitute and other Korean restaurants Second your topic sentence also needs to be focused on the main idea of this paragraph Grade at the moment 70 C 1 The whole names 2

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UNA EN 099 - Favorite food

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