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CJS 217 Exam One Review Sheet Exam One Date THURSDAY 2 17 22 worth 60 points total Material Covered Weeks 1 to 6 of lecture and reading class articles The Punishment Imperative Text Reddington Bonham Chapters NOTES The exam will be administered online It will open on Thursday morning and you may take at any point until 11 59pm Your exam may only be opened once We will not meet in class that day for the online exam The exam will be timed You will have 65 minutes to complete please note that is not enough time to look up every answer in your notes and reading Complete the review sheet etc There will be 52 multiple choice questions and two short answer listing questions worth 8 points PLEASE NOTE This review sheet is not designed to be an all inclusive overview of what will be in the exam but should provide students with a solid point of review for each of the major topics we considered to this point in the course Any notes from lecture film clips or from the readings are potential material for the first exam Below I have listed most of the important points for this class on the class handouts and the chapters from Flawed Criminal Justice Policies Some of these questions complement the reading from the Punishment Imperative but students wanting a thorough review sheet for The Punishment Imperative should consult the study guide for that text It will serve as the review sheet for that book Flawed Criminal Justice Policies Text Chapters Chapter 1 Flawed Policy 1 How do those concerned primarily with victims differ from those concerned with offenders in policy making Be able to provide some examples 2 What are the three primary motivators for public policy 3 What are moral panics What are some prominent examples of moral panic 4 What are policy communities 5 How do the elitist and populist models of policy making differ 6 What are evidenced based policies EBPs and why are they important What are some of 7 What are some of the things we should be most concerned about in making good policy their strengths and weaknesses e g effectiveness gathering data etc Chapter 5 The Sentencing Revolution 1 2 In the 1970s why did the U S shift from a model of rehabilitation and incapacitation to one of retribution in the correctional system What is determinate and indeterminate sentencing What are some of the key parts of each Which has dominated criminal justice over the last 45 years 3 Both Conservatives and Liberals were in favor of the change to determinate sentencing in the 1970s but for very different reasons Why did each favor the change 4 What is presumptive sentencing What are sentencing guidelines meaning what are they used for What are mandatory minimums 5 What are truth in sentencing laws Why do some policy makers argue they are more detrimental to Mass Incarceration than any other part of the sentencing revolution 6 What is the impact of the Sentencing Revolution on judicial discretion 7 How have incarceration rates changed from the 1970s to today How have mandatory minimums determinate sentencing and Truth In Sentencing laws each impacted Mass Incarceration Chapter 3 The War on Drugs 1 How do drug use abuse rates between White and Black Americans differ in comparison to the incarceration rates for these two groups for drug crime p 21 2 What drug causes more death and disability than any other in the United States 3 How did Temperance groups impact alcohol policy historically in the United States 4 Historically how was drug policy also tied specifically to racial and immigrant prejudice and moral panic p 24 5 How did Hamilton Wright get his narcotic legislation to pass 6 What were some of the cultural shifts of the 1960s that may have contributed to the modern day War on Drugs 8 What were some of the key provisions of the Anti Drug Abuse Act 9 What is the crack cocaine vs powder cocaine sentencing disparity and the 100 1 rule 10 What are the 3 ways to intervene with drug use policy in the U S 11 What percentage of the drug enforcement budget is spent only on enforcement 12 How much higher is the U S incarceration rate in comparison to other countries 13 What are some of the controversies concerns lessons learned based on the current War on Drugs Class discussion lecture topic The Consequences of Three Strike Laws Discussed in Class Lecture 1 What are Three Strikes Laws 2 What were the 4 original intentions of Three Strike Law 3 Why has the state of California had more problems with Three Strike Laws than many other states 4 How many states in the U S have Three Strike laws an estimate is enough you don t have to know an exact number 5 What are the flaws of three strikes policies Class Hand Out Chapters Beckett Sasson Crime in the Media Chapter 1 What percentage of local news coverage is devoted to crime and violent crime 2 How did the media impact the War on Drugs and Get Tough on Crime initiatives of the 1980s and 1990s involving drug policy 3 How does the media mislead the general public in their news coverage about crime 4 How does crime serve as entertainment in the United States Marion 2010 The Media Public Opinion and Criminal Justice 1 What is mass media 2 How does the media distort images of crime and justice 3 How does the media drive public fears about crime 4 What are moral panics Why are they important to criminal justice policy Also a question 5 How does the media influence the criminal justice system we discussed 9 different ways in chapter 1 of the Reddington text in class and the readings 6 How does the media shape policy formation and the legislative process 7 How does public opinion shape crime policy PLEASE NOTE As mentioned at the beginning of this review sheet a study guide for the punishment imperative has been posted in Reggie Net The Punishment Imperative will be a large part of the first exam You should consult that study guide to serve as the official review sheet for The Punishment Imperative text

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Lincoln College CJS 217 - Exam One Review Sheet

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