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ISSN 1981 8963 ISSN 1981 8963 DOI 10 5205 reuol 9881 87554 1 EDSM1011201619 Veloso LUP Laurindo LMB Sousa LRP de et al Prevalence of anxiety in nursing professionals ORIGINAL ARTICLE PREVALENCE OF ANXIETY IN NURSING PROFESSIONALS OF URGENCY AND EMERGENCY PREVAL NCIA DE ANSIEDADE EM PROFISSIONAIS DE ENFERMAGEM DE URG NCIA E EMERG NCIA PREVALENCIA DE ANSIEDAD EN LOS PROFESIONALES DE ENFERMER A DE URGENCIA Y EMERGENCIA Lorena Uch a Portela Veloso1 Luciana Marcilon Braga Laurindo2 Lia Raquel Pereira de Sousa3 Caique Veloso4 Fernando Jos Guedes da Silva Junior5 Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro6 ABSTRACT Objective to identify the prevalence of anxiety in nursing professionals Method a cross sectional study with a quantitative approach with 90 professionals of the nursing staff of an urgency and emergency hospital in Teresina PI Brazil The collection came from a semi structured form and the Beck Anxiety Inventory Subsequently the data were analyzed using the program Statistical Package for Social Science Results we found that 27 8 had mild anxiety 13 3 moderate and 3 3 severe which mainly afflict nursing technicians Regarding the physical and psychological symptoms related to anxiety highlighted the inability of relaxation and nervousness respectively Conclusion there was a considerable amount of nursing staff professionals with moderate to severe anxiety Thus it is necessary to develop strategies to eliminate the factors causing anxiety in these professionals Descriptors Anxiety Mental Health Emergency Nusing RESUMO Objetivo identificar a preval ncia de ansiedade em profissionais de enfermagem M todo estudo transversal de abordagem quantitativa com 90 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um hospital de urg ncia e emerg ncia de Teresina PI Brasil A coleta ocorreu a partir de um formul rio semiestruturado e do Invent rio de Ansiedade de Beck Posteriormente os dados foram analisados a partir do programa Statistical Package of Social Science Resultados constatou se que 27 8 dos profissionais possuiam ansiedade leve 13 3 moderada e 3 3 grave as quais acometiam principalmente os t cnicos de enfermagem Quanto aos sintomas f sicos e ps quicos relacionados ansiedade destacaram se a incapacidade de relaxamento e o nervosismo respectivamente Conclus o houve uma quantidade consider vel de profissionais da equipe de enfermagem com grau moderado a grave de ansiedade Assim faz se necess rio a elabora o de estrat gias que eliminem os fatores causadores da ansiedade nesses profissionais Descritores Ansiedade Sa de Mental Enfermagem em Emerg ncia RESUMEN Objetivo identificar la prevalencia de la ansiedad en los profesionales de enfermer a M todo un estudio transversal con un enfoque cuantitativo con 90 profesionales del personal de enfermer a de un hospital de urgencia y de emergencia en Teresina PI Brasil La recolecci n de datos sucedi a partir de una forma semi estructurada y el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck Posteriormente se analizaron los datos utilizando el paquete estad stico programa de Ciencias Sociales Resultados se encontr que el 27 8 de los profesionales pose a ansiedad leve 13 3 moderada y 3 3 grave que afectan principalmente a los t cnicos de enfermer a En cuanto a los s ntomas f sicos y psicol gicos relacionados con la ansiedad de manifiesto la incapacidad de la relajaci n y el nerviosismo respectivamente Conclusi n hab a una cantidad considerable de profesionales de enfermer a con moderada a severa ansiedad Por lo tanto es necesario desarrollar estrategias para eliminar los factores que causan la ansiedad en estos profesionales Descriptores Ansiedad Salud Mental Enfermer a de Urgencia 1Nurse Professor Master degree in Nursing State University of Piau UEPI Teresina PI Brazil Email lorenaupveloso gmail com 2 3Students Graduate Student of Nursing State University of Piau UFPI Teresina PI Brazil Email lucianamarcilon hotmail com liaraquel enf hotmail com 4Nurse Master Graduate Program of Nursing Federal University of Piau Teresina PI Brazil Email caiqueveloso3 hotmail com 5Nurse Professor Phd student Graduate Student of Nursing Federal University of Piau UFPI Teresina PI Brazil Email fernandoguedesjr gmail com 6Nurse Phd Professor Graduate Postgraduate Program of Nursing Federal University of Piau UFPI Teresina PI Brazil Email claudetefmonteiro hotmail com English Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line Recife 10 11 3969 76 Nov 2016 3969 ISSN 1981 8963 ISSN 1981 8963 DOI 10 5205 reuol 9881 87554 1 EDSM1011201619 Veloso LUP Laurindo LMB Sousa LRP de et al Prevalence of anxiety in nursing professionals INTRODUCTION The increase in the number of people seeking the Urgency and Emergency Units UUE has a strong impact on the health system The unpredictability of demand coupled with the severity of patients seeking this type of service makes this challenging scenario for professionals in the health sector and managers since UUE are strategic sectors in the hospital complex the need for high quality care front service different specialties and problems 1 Given this reality the public emergency services have suffered from overcrowding the accelerated pace of work the workload of health professionals and the precariousness of physical resources human and material Such units often work beyond the limit of its capacity with occupancy rates of upper beds their maximum insufficient number of professionals for assistance with qualification not always adequate excessive care inadequate demand poor planning and management of existing resources 2 occupancy in crises constant emotional Among the health professionals who work in these services include the nursing staff In this context the actions of care go beyond the technical knowledge and procedures health involving professionals to relieve suffering and deal situations of negative with consequences 3 these In professionals usually are subject to factors related to the organization and precariousness of work such as the division and subdivision of tasks lack of professional recognition multi functionality productivity requirement low wages and deficiencies in the health system networks which can trigger harm to psychosocial health including anxiety 4 addition which The term anxiety comes from Ancient Greek overwhelming means suffocating It follows the most people in the existential process To feel some physical and or mental suffering which requires changes in everyday life it is expected to increase their levels Distress or anxiety are related terms that

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