11 20 2019 Module 3 Knowledge Check 1 2198 NURS 4325 502 RN BSN NURSING RESEARCH Module 3 Knowledge Check 1 Due Nov 23 at 11 59pm Available Nov 18 at 12am Nov 25 at 11 59pm 8 days Points 100 Questions 25 Time Limit 45 Minutes Instruc ons Knowledge Check 1 Information for You Use the Knowledge Check 1 Blue Print as a Study guide This assignment has 25 multiple choice questions and you will have 45 minutes in which to complete i Begin the test at least 45 minutes before the due time because the time that counts is the time that you finish not the time you start If you reach the time limit of availability and are still not finished Canvas w automatically end the test even if your 45 minutes are not yet up Use your time wisely These assignm will not be re opened or re set because you have run out of time and did not complete them You must complete the assignment in one sitting The assignment will open and close at the dates and times liste your syllabus If you lose connection with the Knowledge Check please re enter it immediately as the t will continue to run Instructors cannot give back lost time for connectivity issues Only one attempt is allowed on the knowledge check assignments For any additional problems with this assignment contact your course instructor immediately via e mail for assistance Do not contact your Coac The Knowledge Check Assignments are individual work and you may use your book or course materia assist you in answering the questions Sharing or receiving information is a matter of academic dishone and will be reported to the Office of Community Standards Students enrolled in all UT Arlington courses are expected to adhere to the UT Arlington Honor Code I pledge on my honor to uphold UT Arlington s tradition of academic integrity a tradition that values ha work and honest effort in the pursuit of academic excellence I promise that I will submit only work that I personally create or contribute to group collaborations and I appropriately reference any work from other sources I will follow the highest standards of integrity and uphold the spirit of the Honor Code A empt History LATEST Attempt Attempt 1 Time 41 minutes Score 88 out of 100 Correct answers are hidden Score for this quiz 88 out of 100 Submitted Nov 20 at 10 11pm This attempt took 41 minutes https uta instructure com courses 45086 quizzes 96502 1 14 11 20 2019 Module 3 Knowledge Check 1 2198 NURS 4325 502 RN BSN NURSING RESEARCH Question 1 4 4 pts Common practice for in text citations for a single author using APA style includes author last name year of publication The correct in text citation is authors s last name year of publication Question 2 4 4 pts In APA format which one of these statements is not true about the references page The title of the references page is Bibliography and should be centered at the top if the page and not in bold font https uta instructure com courses 45086 quizzes 96502 2 14 author last name first initial year of publication author last name first name page number References should be placed in alphabetical order by author last name A digital object identifier DOI or website for the journal article referencedshould be placed at the end of every journal article reference if available The name of the journal should be italicized and major words should becapitalized 11 20 2019 Module 3 Knowledge Check 1 2198 NURS 4325 502 RN BSN NURSING RESEARCH Question 3 4 4 pts A conceptual definition of a variable is defined in the review of literature A conceptual definition is the beginning understanding of a concept it is very broad and what it means to you and to me and to others Question 4 4 4 pts A nurse planning a research project wants to know more about their sample Which of the following would be considered a demographic variable Socioeconomic status Demographic variables describe the characteristics of the sample Some include age education race ethnicity income etc https uta instructure com courses 45086 quizzes 96502 3 14 also considered to be the intervention influencing the selection of the sample the systematic investigation of relationship Pain intensity Heart rate Oral temperature 11 20 2019 Module 3 Knowledge Check 1 2198 NURS 4325 502 RN BSN NURSING RESEARCH Question 5 4 4 pts A nurse hypothesizes that the presence of social support from family affects the pain perception of hospitalized patients What is the dependent variable in this hypothesis pain perception The pain perception depends IV upon the social support from the family Question 6 4 4 pts Subjects who volunteered to receive an experimental treatment for pancreatic cancer are educated about essential study information assessed for understanding of this information and asked to willingly participate in the research study This process is known as informed consent https uta instructure com courses 45086 quizzes 96502 4 14 social support hospitalized patients family members coercion institutional review deception 11 20 2019 Module 3 Knowledge Check 1 2198 NURS 4325 502 RN BSN NURSING RESEARCH Informed consent includes disclosure to the subject of essential study information comprehension of this information by the subject competence of the subject to give consent and voluntary consent of the subject to participate in the study A contractual agreement is what the researcher and the participant enter into once the subject signs the informed consent A debriefing takes place after the study is over and addresses any concerns that the subject has as a result of participation in the study Legal liability is the extent to which the researcher might be held accountable for any harm to subjects as a result of participation in the study ncorrect ncorrect Question 7 0 4 pts A questionnaire has an ID number in one corner that allows the research team to identify the subject This is an example of right to privacy Confidentiality is the safe management of private information shared by a subject The researcher must refrain from sharing that information without the authorization of the subject Research findings need to be reported so that a subject or group of subjects cannot be identified Complete anonymity exists if the subject s identity cannot be linked even by the researcher with his or her individual responses Deception is deliberately not disclosing all aspects of the study to the subjects Informed consent means that the subject has been told about all aspects of the study including the risk benefit ratio and agrees to
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