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Art History 326 Exam 1 Study Guide Olafur Eliasson London Giant Turbine Hall giant glowing sign Carsten Holler art transforms museum space o Slides go through different floors o Tate New Museum Matthew Barney Baroque videos Cremaster o Masculinity instability of maleness Tino Seghal conversational art spiral of Gugaheim museum Piplotti Rist Selfless in a Bed of Lava o Floor of museum Rirkrit Taravanija food giveaways him making Tai food and giving it away o Art about hospitality generosity o Cross cultural conditions Mika Rottenberg new methology new myth for factory that produces easy to make o Woman that sits smells flowers sweats and sweat goes into bread to make it rise food easily Santiago Sierra vulnerable populations o Shows problematic features of these populations o Prostitutes get line tattooed on their backs Cao Fei interviewed people in Chinese factories o Interviewed and had workers perform their hidden talents Sherin Neshat Turbulent video of singers o Woman of Allah photos of Middle Eastern women Challenged Western viewers opinion of Middle Eastern women Yinka Shonibare makes work that looks like mannequins o African fabric we know today is actually originally Indonesian o Makes Baroque costumes out of this material o Half his body is paralyzed Vanessa Beecroft models stand in Gucci bikinis in Gugaheim museum for hours like status Nick Cave sound suits suit move around and make sound K8 Hardy art and fashion thrift store clothing 1 Art History 326 Exam 1 Study Guide o Fashion show with thrift shop clothing Art after the Fall Painting Sculpture and Photography in Europe 1940 1947 Pablo Picasso Guernica oil on painting mural 1937 o Massacre in Spain o Important meant for exhibition o Emphasis on civilian death o Bull representation of Picasso and Spain o Single light bulb like prison chamber o Bodies subject to a lot of twisting o Represents strangeness of human mutilation o Cited Poussin s The Rape of the Sabine Woman and Gericault s Raft of the Medusa o Black and white like newspaper and photography Makes the painting more serious Only truly German if you were blood and soil farmer white Nazi focused on rural German family Degenerate art modern art is dangerous focused on African culture made by Jews etc Wols Untited Photographs 1939 o Takes photographs in his home o Odd combination of objects as subject matter o Black and white o Dirty and decaying food looks greasy o Bunny button for eye o Picture taken from above o No horizon line flattened picture plane Wols was imprisoned in France Camp de Milles o Study of Fleas watercolor on paper 1940 Wols Untited It s All Over The City 1946 1947 o Oil on canvas o Painting is something you don t have control over o Focused on disorientation o Center black hole Wols Painting oil on canvas 1946 o Painting of a painting o Don t know what you re looking at o Job of a painting is to ask questions about it 2 Art History 326 Exam 1 Study Guide Fautrier Head and Hostages 1942 1944 o Pastel dust sprinked on stucco Dirty weird color o Very small o Had to become somewhat secret o Heads of people who have been or about to be shot Fautrier Sarah 1942 o Jewish woman ripped apart missing arm Jean Dubuffet Metro paintings 1943 o 12 gouache series Un Voyage en Metro o Anti Nazi refuse to live up to Aryan perfection o Bodies blobs and monstrous o Possibly implying resistance o Metro is like being held captive o Nazi soldiers on metro smiles and nice to you are you being monstrous if you don t punch him because he could be the one who kills your friend o Resistance is about being naughty in terms of women Jean Dubuffet Message 1942 o Angry graffiti on German newspapers o Note leaving culture Lee Miller in Combat Fatigues France 1940 o Used to be a model o Photographer o Her photos were published in Vogue o Took photos during WWII Rubble of London Blitz Bodies German soldiers Picasso the Charnel House 1945 o Art after WWII o Like Wols Andre Strzminski Polish o To My Friends the Jews o Drawings on photographs o Photos of Jews with outlines of Polish during WWII Olivier Debre Death at Dachau 1946 o Loss of detail o Purposeful lack of detail o Poetic rather than documentary 3 Art History 326 Exam 1 Study Guide Dubuffet Will to Power 1946 o Oil sand glass on canvas o Will to power people who aren t afraid favorite concept of the Nazis o Armless figure resembles Hitler Naked Lots of chest hair Plus Beaux qu ils croient more beautiful than they know series 1947 o Strange resemblance Jean Fautrier and Jouhandeau with the Hare Lip o Child like style balloon head o Heads and hands go to the edge of the page o The Purge 1947 o Black and white because original image was destroyed Cartier Bresson publically humiliated o The Purge women that had anything to do with German soldiers were punished L Art Brut Prefere Aux Arts Culturels 1949 o Art cultures o Culture needs an embrace of everything uncultured o Dubuffet purposely mimic art by crazy people anti cultural Henry Moore sketches in the Tube 1940 o People hiding in the tube from bombs Francis Bacon o Three Studies for figures at the Base of a Crucifixion 1946 Triptych like a crucifixion with no crucifixion o Research practice paintings o Beasts teeth bearing o Right mouth on top of head visible ribs o Middle has lipstick like clown wooden tripod o Beasts that feast upon souls o Based on photos of people that are in trances and assume odd positions Nina Leen The Irascibles Life magazines 1951 o Photograph of artists abstract expressionists protesting the Metropolitan Museum of Art William de Koenig Jackson Pollock Barnett Newman 4 Art History 326 Exam 1 Study Guide Adolph Gottlieb Clyfford Still Mark Rothko o Abstract expression very different styles The Mythmakers usefulness to myth in paintings o Barnett Newman Respect surrealists but against Freudian approaches Freud believed most things comes from unconscious drives References to dreams Gottlieb Eyes of Oedipus 1944 abstract expressionist o Schematic flat faces o No light source no shading o No horizon o References to children s and Native American imagery o No blending of color o Conspicuous brush strokes o Grids of faces and eyes o Purposely not pretty o Painting that confronts you Gottlieb Eyes of Oedipus 1944 abstract expressionist Grid resembles Northwest Coast art Structural arrangement more direct Simple expression of the complex thought Carl Jung Student of Sigmund Freud Unconscious relied on archetype universal concept or symbol Jackson

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