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Review for Exam 2 ASL signs and phrases that will be on test 12 I 12 ASL questions concepts a Name number conversation i Name two fingers making X ii Age beard iii Deaf index finger ear to mouth iv Hearing twirl finger in front of mouth v Number two kissie faces touching sideways vi Meet vii Sorry viii Please flat hand on chest ix Sweetheart text with your heart x Chat Seminole xi Cellphone phone to the ear xii Girl thumb to cheek ear to chin xiii Boy grab the rim of your baseball cap xiv Skip numbers 1 10 not on test xv No xvi Yes xvii Good flat hand chin to hand xviii Bad flat hand but FLIP it so your finger tips touch xix Student pick up the trash and drop it xx Teacher two o s in front of head giving out knowledge and then people markers in front of you two straight lines going down with both hands xxi Gators claw chomp xxii Family two F s in a circle xxiii Class two C s in circle like family xxiv Test two squiggly lines going straight down with both hands using your index fingers xxv Work right wrist goes on top of left wrist in tapping motion xxvi How are you two front of fists rub together and come forward like a question II III 10 commandments video communicating a 10 questions on this test from that video b Any other tips they gave during the video 6 questions off the LD powerpoint a of the children in special education classes in the US are seen for learning disabilities i of that number 90 are seen for reading disabilities b Learning disability the invisible disability c DEFINITION of learning disability a disorder in which one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understand or in using language spoken or written which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen speak read write spell or do math Learning disabilities are not the result of Exclusionary definition d i Visual handicaps ii Hearing handicaps iii Motor handicaps iv Mental retardation v Emotional disturbance vi Environmental cultural or economic disadvantage e Eligibility requirements i Evidence of a processing deficit visual or auditory usually ii Response to treatments or intervention in FLA iii Evidence of underachievement on curriculum measures f STATISTICS ON LD i 3 million students ages 6 21 2006 ii Half of special education students are diagnosed with LD iii 55 60 graduation rate for students with LD iv Rate of diagnosis for boys 2 3 times higher than girls because boys behavior is external and causes teacher to notice g CAUSES i Acquired trauma 1 Leading cause of trauma for children in the US a Bicycle and motorcycle accidents b Families Parents don t read kids aren t exposed to print c Prenatal causes smoking drug use alcohol use d Perinatal causes loss of oxygen difficult delivery low birth weight forceps e Postnatal causes strokes concussions meningitis encephalitis high fever head injury f Hereditary LD does run in families but no conclusive evidence that it is genetics over environment g Biochemical allergic reactions to flavorings dyes additives in food h Environmental low socioeconomic status malnutrition no access to health care ii Complications with pregnancy iii Genetic hereditary influences iv Drug use by mother during pregnancy h SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH SPECIAL ED CLASSES IN THE US i Overrepresentation of minority and poor students in special ed classes in the US i College students with LD reporting i Over 45 000 students with LD attend 4 year college estimate is low bc of self ii College students with LD must meet all entrance requirements iii Instructors must accommodate a disability but cannot change course content or objectives Students with disabilities at UF j i 1900 students who have self reported ii BREAKDOWN 1 30 ADHD 2 25 LD 3 25 Health and Mobility impairments 4 10 Psychiatric impairment 5 10 Temporary impairments k Famous people with LD John Morgan golfer i Terry Bradshaw quarterback ii Greg Louganis Olympic diver iii Bruce Jenner Olympic gold decathlon iv v Nolan Ryan Hall of Fame pitcher vi Business leaders vii Richard Branson Virgin enterprises viii John Chambers CEO of Cisco Systems ix William Hewlett Hewlett Packard Company x Tommy Hilfiger fashion xi Paul Orfalea Kinko s xii Donald Winkler CEO of Ford Motor Credit xiii Charles Schwab Schwab Corporation xiv Thomas Watson CEO of IBM xv David Murdock CEO Dole Foods Inc xvi Nelson Rockefeller IV l 7 questions off the physical disabilities ppt a Monoplegia one limb b Hemiplegia one side of body c Paraplegia legs d Quadriplegia all four extremities i these terms refer to a range of movement ii This range varies from loss of movement to complete paralysis e Cerebral Palsy CP i ii Cerebral area of brain affected iii Palsy partial or complete muscle paralysis iv Symptoms of CP 1 Will show within first 3 years of life 2 Delayed development crawling walking or speaking 3 Easily startled bad balance bad muscle tone 4 Child not developing normally v Types of CP 1 Spastic muscle stiffness a Hemiplegia b Diplegia both legs c Quadriplegia legs arms and body d Mental retardation likely 2 Ataxic balance issues clumsiness a Normal intelligence 3 Athetoid whole body affected by muscle problems a Random uncontrolled body movements b Trouble speaking c Normal intelligence 4 Hypotonic AKA rag doll a Almost no muscle tone vi Causes of CP 1 Damage to the cerebrum due to Loss of oxygen during labor birth 2 3 Infections during pregnancy 4 Abnormal brain development 5 Hemorrhage or stroke 6 Premature or low weight baby vii Treatment 1 No cure 2 Treatment is life long 3 Prevalence 10 000 babies a year in U S f Multiple Sclerosis affect muscles and organs ii Symptoms vary by individual iii Not directly inherited iv Normal life span v Not usually severely disabling vi Prevalence 400 000 in US vii Onset late in life 20s to 40s i Progressive unpredictable degeneration of central nervous system that can viii Disorder often goes into remission ix Normal range of intelligence x TWICE AS MANY WOMEN AS MEN ARE DIAGNOSED WITH MS g Cystic Fibrosis i An inherited condition that affects the lungs and digestive system ii BOTH parents must carry the gene for CF iii Defective gene causes body to produce unusually thick mucus that clogs the lungs and digestive track difficult to absorb nutrients from food iv Symptoms s 1 Salty tasting skin 2 Persistent coughing 3 Lung infections 4 Shortness of breath 5 Poor weight gain in spite of good appetite 6 Difficulty in bowel function h Spina Bifida i Arron Fotherinham hard core sitting video ii

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