Therapeutic Groups Open group o New members may join o Members may leave at any time o New members are at a disadvantage o Advantage of this type is that group can continue Closed group o Members join at one time o There are no replacement members o Group is more cohesive o Group is more likely to dissolve when members drop out Small Large o Eight to 10 people o Cohesive o Fewer subgroups o Richer interpersonal interactions o Led by one o 10 members o Can be therapeutic o More cost effective o Open ended ongoing o Avoid intense transference and countertransference Group Development 1 Initial Orientation Phase o Honeymoon o Conflict o High anxiety o Superficial interactions o Testing the therapist o Leader sets the atmosphere and states the purpose of groups the members get to know each other and often give advice 2 Working Phase o Develop rules rituals o Identify the problem o Begin problem solving o Leader encourages cooperation and members start working together 3 Mature Phase o Group realizes its purpose and works on goals o Develops a sense of we o Leader keeps group focused on therapeutic goals members accept each other and work together to accomplish individual goals 4 Termination o Evaluation of experience o Members grieve for loss of the group o Reestablish themselves as individuals o Leader acknowledges each contribution of each member and members prepare for separation and the future Leadership styles o Autocratic leader Exerts control Not much interaction between group members Ex Community meeting group Teaches o Democratic leader Supports extensive group interaction problem solving Ex Psychotherapy groups Ex Psychoeducational groups o Laissez faire leader Does not attempt to control interactions Makes sure thing don t get out of control Ex Activity group Use circle seating without barriers tables Rectangular tables tend to promote positions of power at the end of the table Classroom seating prevents effective interactions No one should sit outside the circle Members who sit closest to the leader are more likely to have more power Group should be held in a quiet pleasant room with adequate space and privacy Large rooms inhibit communication Avoid eating during group Types of Groups o Psychoeducational groups time limited Teaching groups Medication Sexuality Health living o Psychotherapy groups time limited or open ended Cognitive behavioral Psychodynamic Solution focused brief therapy o o Spirituality groups Therapeutic milieu groups Recreational Physical activity Social skills o o Supportive therapy groups Self help groups
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