HIS3931 Midterm Hitler Nazi Germany June 2014 1 Otto Van Bismark Prime Minister under Wilhelm I He united the German states through 3 successful wars The 1st against Denmark the 2nd against Austria and the 3rd being the Franco Prussian War in 1870 71 2 Wilhelm II 2nd Kaiser of a United Germany Emperor during WWI 3 Stab In the Back German Political Right propaganda that blamed the German Left socialist communist Jews for losing WWI An English General said with justice The German Army was stabbed in the back No guilt applies to the good core of the army Its achievements are just as admirable as those of the officer corps Paul Von Hindenburg 4 Paul Von Hindenburg The Rock Basically ran a military dictatorship with Ludendorff 5 Erich Ludendorff The Brains Good battle field commander not good at overall picture 6 Operation Michael German Troops from the dissolved Eastern Front join the Western Front briefly outnumbered the British and French before America joined the War 1 Protocols of the Elders of Zion was an Anti Semitic text that appeared shortly after 1900 Purportedly to be the secret minutes of Jewish elders who plant take over the world first by creating political financial and cultural chaos The Jews would create the chaos by using their power in finance the media and politics Once life became unbearable in the western world the masses would turn to the Jews for leadership It was supposedly a masterful conspiracy on a global scale in which all Jews were involved 2 August Kubizek Hitler s friend in youth Kubizeck joined him in Vienna pre WWI he gave accounts of Hitler s early life 3 Karl Lueger Mayor of Vienna and leader of the Anti Semitic Christian social party Hitler referred to him as the greatest German mayor of all time He admired Lueger s use of propaganda to appeal to the masses 4 Mein Kampf Hitler s political philosophy released in 1925 Was very clear how Hitler saw the world the set of problems Germans faced and the remedies that Germans had to take 5 Beer Hall Pusch Coup attempt in Munich organized by Hitler inspired by Mussolini s march on Rome Was a disaster the Nazis met armed resistance Hitler was arrested and charged with high treason He served 9 months and wrote his political philosophy Mein Kampf HIS3931 Midterm Hitler Nazi Germany June 2014 6 German Workers Party Believed in the stab in the back and believed that socialists and communists had been responsible for the same and who saw the world in social Darwinist terms In 1919 Hitler joined and quickly became the head In 1921 Hitler renamed the party to NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party 7 Rhineland Occupied by Allied forces shutdown German industrialization 8 Polish Corridor Gave Poland access to the Baltic Sea which displaced 1 5 million Germans Pissed off a lot of Germans as they saw Poles as inferior 9 Ruhr Occupation France sent troops to Ruhr Valley to enforce delivery of German goods to France as reparation payment 10 Inflation of 1923 Germany responded to the Ruhr occupation by printing money which absolutely wrecked German currency and the economy Soon a loaf of bread cost millions Right Wing Germans used this as fuel for their propaganda 11 German Communist Party KPD Split from the SPD dedicated to class warfare and the communist ideal of a worker controlled dictatorship in which all property would be held communally Attempted coup in 1919 put down in bloody fashion by remnants of German 12 Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD wanted a democratic government a new constitution and moderate government policies to benefit the working class Split in to 2 factions majority stayed loyal to party while a minority turned to Bolshevism effectively Army becoming the KPD 13 Treaty of Versailles Officially ended WWI perceived by Germans as especially unfair Germany lost a number of territories including the Polish Corridor containing 1 5 million Germans Allied forces occupied the Western part of the Rhineland and kept them demilitarized permanently The army was limited to 100 000 troops the navy stripped no air force was allowed Had to pay War Reparations 132 billion Marks 32 Billion dollars 1 Rudolf Hess The party secretary who relayed the party line to the Gauleiters a devotee of Hitler from the start who had served time with him in prison HIS3931 Midterm Hitler Nazi Germany June 2014 2 Gauleiters The Nazi organizational effort divided Germany into Gau s party districts Gauleiters were the party district leaders who would drum up new party members in their districts All Gauleiters took orders from the NSDAP in Munich 3 Joseph Goebbels started Der Angriff a local party newspaper that specialized in character assassination and sensationalism of the worst kind He also made the SA there a coherent force held mass meetings and he started violent street fights with communists and socialists to the point where the Nazis were banned in Berlin from May 1927 to April 1928 He became Minister for Propaganda and Public Enlightenment When Goebbels became Minister and it was his job from then until the end of the regime to place a gloss on the ever expanding dictatorship 4 SA Sturmabteilung This was a uniformed paramilitary organization the purpose of which was street fighting security for party members and the breaking up of the meetings of rival parties 5 Young Plan was a program for settling German reparations debts after World War I written in 1929 and formally adopted in 1930 It was presented by the committee headed 1929 30 by American Owen D Young The Inter Allied Reparations Commission established the German reparation sum at 132 billion gold marks After the Dawes Plan was put into operation in 1924 it became apparent that Germany could not meet the annual payments especially over an indefinite period of time The Young Plan reduced further payments to 112 billion Gold Marks equivalent to US 8 billion in 1929 US 110 billion in 2014 over a period of 59 years which would end in 1988 6 Heinrich Br ning the German Chancellor in 1930 and leader of the Catholic Center Party He had Hindenburg s confidence since he was a social conservative with a good war record He placed a new budget before the Reichstag in September with a tightened budget and less spending because he thought as did many at the time that a balanced government budget would increase investment from broad and help the economy to recover The Reichstag rejected the budget 7 Franz von Papen He was appointed to Chancellor mainly because Hindenburg
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