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Soc 205 Sources of Authority Charismatic Traditional Rational Legal Authority The socially acceptable ability of an individual or group to exercise will over the will of another Reasons people submit to authority Believe it serves the greater good Don t realize there is an alternative Authority is derived from a sincere desire of the dominate to please the dominant popular parents authority is derived from the historic precedent royalty Derived from a set of well know rules elected officials cops Social Institutions An organized system of relationships and expected behaviors working toward a single or group of well understood goals Family educational system justice system economy What do they do maintain stability produce solidarity replace lost members replication of groups produce and distribute both tangible and intangible goods Solidarity Idea from Durkheim Comes in 2 forms Mechanical solidarity Organic solidarity Feelings of linkage from similar activities Feelings of linkage from specialization of labor more stable diverse exchange skills How does this relate to you The structure vs agency debate Structure is half of the patterns of society and half social institutions Functionalism Structural Functionalism Emile Durkheim The idea that everything in society has a proper role and exists because it benefits society Society as an organization helps society prosper doesn t fall away structure exists because they provide a greater good Functional Analysis Concept of solidarity Contends that everything in society can be classified in terms of what it does for society Manifest Function Latent Function Dys function Other ideas from Durkheim Anomie Not knowing how to act Feeling of normlessness in society Related to divorce suicide depression First date First day of school Conflict Theory Karl Marx Rejection of functionalism Different people have different goals People benefit differently Those in power do the best Conflict Analysis Society is a battle over scarce resources and their production Power is the reasonable ability of one person to bring real sanctions against another Divided into two parts social classes and those with power corporations and individuals Ideas for conflict theory Those in power will always seek to expand their power making their class smaller Those in power will work to keep those out of power divided through false consciousness Ability of individuals and groups to realize their will even against the will of others Biggest ideas Alienation Power From production society Symbolic Interaction Max Weber Reality comes from shared meaning and shared experience Society is a series of exchanges determined by each individual Surveys Create useful measures 1 answer fits the person Require random samples of the population Qualitative research cannot be measured through surveys Content analysis Interviews 1hour Observations Essay test Must allow concepts to arise from concepts Start with open mind Used to produce hypothesis Social Research Quantitative research is measurable and can be accurately assessed through numeric measures Correlation is not Causation Correlation between ice cream and sexual assaults More ice cream is sold because more people are out Third variable spuriousness Rejection of Authority Authority remains largely unchallenged when that authority is seen as legitimate Institutions must maintain legitimacy to be able to extend authority As legitimacy weakens a space for rejection of authority opens How challenges of authority are carried out Challenge charismatic Any challenge to charismatic authority is also challenges to legitimacy Challenge Traditional Challenge Rational Legal Requires a radical action to change the cultural practice that enables the authority Have a processes were legitimacy could be challenged We call the machinery of challenging authority Social Movements Family A group of individuals bound together by a common set of recognized expectations based on kinship Sociologist address family as a social institution Types of Marriage Polygamy Polygyny Practice of men multiple marriage partners Polyandry Practice of woman having more than one husband Monogamy Practice of a sexually exclusive marriage with one spouse Whom Marries Whom Exogamy Practice of selecting mates from outside ones group Endogamy Practice of selecting mates from inside ones group Incest Taboo generally considered to be universal for example is a cultural norm forbidding sexual relations and marriage between certain kin Homogamy Generally in the US select mates based on social characteristics similar to own Property and Descent Patrilineal kinship system Family lineage is traced through the family of the father Matrilineal kinship system ancestry is traced through the mother Bilateral kinship system traced though both mother and father US Place of Residence Patrilocal kinship system after marriage woman are separated from her own kinship and resides with husband Matrilocal kinship system women continues to live with her family of origin Husband moves in with her but doesn t loose his memberships in his own group Neolocal residence new couples establish their own residence Who holds power Patriarchy men have power over women Matriarchy women hold power Egalitarian societies men and women hold equal power Types of marriage rituals Dowry System through which the female partner is considered less valuable and those desire marriage must produce a subsidy Found is less developed countries labor is dependent on strength Bride Price System through which male partners must establish their worth by producing a subsidy to the brides custodians Compensates for loss of labor in brides household Family in Origin Clan Groups Development of groups based on a common survival need Need to produce large numbers of offspring to offset high morality Multiple parents caring for multiple offspring Families are adopted in through conquest High Parent and High Child Mortality Clan Groups Found up through the medieval era Need to create large families for agricultural production Family sized tied directly to survival Encouraged to keep it in the family Children viewed as investments Widows given right to adjust family size Marriage is purely economic arrangement Emotional marriage was only for the upper crust Divorce did not exist High Parent and Medium Child Mortality Atomized Family Renaissance through colonial era Families viewed as separate from their community People have their first

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OSU SOC 205 - Authority

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