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Discussion Question Week 2 DQ1 Due Week 2 Day 2 Tuesday Post your response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply You have just completed training for your new position in a large accounting firm The trainer has just covered the difference between manual accounting and computerized accounting What questions do you have regarding the differences What are the advantages of computerized accounting versus manual accounting What questions do you have regarding the differences Does retained earnings account replace the Income Summary accounts used to close temporary accounts at year s end If you don t use a worksheet in computerized accounting how do you see if you made all the correct entries and check the unadjusted and adjusted balance before the financial statements are prepared How can your records be accurate monthly the temporary accounts remain open The advantages are that you are saving steps The computerized system transfers the ledger entries for you The bank reconciliation is done automatically Computerized track information for a company for an entire year Gathering the information for year end reports is not as time consuming Comparisons can be made from month to month easier Response 2 One question I would ask would be if converting from manual to computerized would result in a loss of jobs and if so was mine one of them Will computerized accounting cut down the work load from what is done by manual systems Does computerized reduce the possibility of errors better than a manual system Can a computerized system be adapted to accommodate our needs and if so will there be any possible problems Will printed reports from the computerized system look like those produced manually or will there be a learning curve in reading the computerized reports Advantages of computerized include reduction of data input requirements Once data id entered it becomes immediately available for use by others Data entered once can be placed into all necessary accounts at the same time Checks and balances can be implemented to insure data integrity for instance item prices can be checked to make sure they are not too high or too low If an item sells for 6 95 and a clerk enters 12 98 the system would kick it back with a notice that the price is out of range User names passwords and security levels would restrict access to certain data An example would be that no one in the accounts payable department would have access to the records of the payroll department Discussion Question Week 2 DQ2 Due Week 2 Day 4 Thursday Post your response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply This week you learned how to start and back up Peachtree software and you had the opportunity to explore some of Peachtree s features What was the most challenging aspect of the material covered this week What did you find the most beneficial The most challenging aspect of chapter 1 3 was just learning the new program Downloading it wasn t hard but very time consuming and there is so much detail when downloading provided in the text that it almost becomes confusing The aspects that I found most beneficial is how everything is computer based and neat I like the way you can create a company and keep most of its records in the same place and be able to keep track of all the important aspects as far as accounting is concerned with money payroll and all the other ins and outs Response 2 Response 3 I found that the most challenging was when I tried to back up the material to an external drive I tried several times to backup to an USB thumb drive and my extra hard drive with failed attempts I also had to install and uninstall the Peachtree software several times After which I ended up backing up to regular hard drive Once I got the backup as PDF file on my hard drive I then copied the material to my other drives This was very frustrating I also found that Peachtree will not save on my new laptop which has Windows XP but it would save to my desktop which has Windows Vista I do most of my work on my laptop but for this class I will have to use my desktop

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UOPX ACC 250 - Week 2 DQ1

Course: Acc 250-
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