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Fruits and Seeds Germination process of the seeds breaking dormancy embryo becoming a seedling and eventually becoming a developed plant Fruits and Seeds Seed coat protects seed Fruits and Seeds Endosperm stored nutrients Fruits and Seeds Hypocotyl will become the stem Fruits and Seeds Radicle Fruits and Seeds Cotyledon will become the roots embryonic seed leaf Monocot one cotyledo Ducot two cotyledons Fruits and Seeds Economically important seeds Grains seeds produced from grass plants primary nutrients in human diet Fruits and Seeds Grains Germ refers to the embryo of the seed Bran refers to the seed coat Fruits and Seeds Monocot seeds wheat corn rice barley oats and millet Fruits and Seeds Dicots soybeans coffee cotton sunflower cocoa Fruits and Seeds Dispersed Wind Cattail Fruits and Seeds Dispersed animals bur and stickweed Burdock Fruits and Seeds Dispersed Animals fleshy fruits Cherries Fruits and Seeds Dispersed Animals stored nuts Acorns Oak Fruits and Seeds Dispersed Propulsion twisting ballistics Mustard Fruits and Seeds Dispersed Gravity sweet gum Fruits and Seeds Dispersed Water Coconut Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Indehiscent fruit does not open at maturity Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Achene One seeded and the seed is only attached at one spot sunflower Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Samara Winged achene maple Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Caryopsis seed fused in fruit wall corn Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Nut seed surrounded by hand wall acorn Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Dehiscent Fruit splits open at maturity to release seed Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Follicle seed split along one side at maturity milkweed Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Legume seed split along two sides locust Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Silique split along two sides papery texture elm Fruits and Seeds Dry fruit Capsule split along multiple sides poppy Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Berry multi seeded blueberry Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Hesperidium Leathery skin orange Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Pepo Leathery rind watermelon Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Drupe single seed in a pit cherry Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Prome seed surrounded by rough papery tissue apple Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Aggregate small fruits from flower raspberry Fruits and Seeds Fleshy fruit Multiple formed from several flowers pineapple Online Grasslands U S Midwest known as prairies South america they are called pampas Central Eurasian called steppes Africa named savannas Grass naturally dominant vegetation Online Temperate grasslands adapted to the dry windy condtions Online Grasslands Rainy season grasslands become coated with flowers some can survive into winter with help of underground storage organs and thick stem bases Online Grasslands habitat Agriculturally most usefully to humans soil is deep and fertile perfect for cropland of pastures Online Grasslands fires perfect for cropland of pastures important in maintaining grasslands prevent fire intolerant trees and shrubs from taking over grasses able to survive because they grow from the bottom Online Animal seed dispersal animal attracted to fruits based on characteristics such as odor Fruit eating animals knows as frugivores process fruits into their digestive tracts then regurgitate seeds or deposit seeds in their feces Online Toxins some fruits contain tocins to deter seed pathogens or predators animals learn to avoid them

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OSU BI 101 - Fruits and Seeds

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