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Study Guide 98 Describe how latitude altitude and topography East vs West North vs South can impact climate and biomes Always receives the most sunlight ray Direct rays concentrated energy Oblique rays rays are spread out There is evaporation and precipitation tropical rainforest Ecosystems Lecture Equator 30 North 30 South 60 North 60 South Dry air Desserts Wet air Forest Topography landforms Similar biome changes occur with latitude and altitude 99 Describe the environmental conditions of mountainous habitats Earths tilt can result in one slope getting more sunlight than another resulting in the side that receives direct sunlight growing grass and the other side growing trees Often south side is grass and north has trees because more direct sunlight on south resulting in dryness on that side and tree cant survive the dry seasons 100 Describe the climate and of polar and tundra regions as well as the dominant producers Polar Low temp low precipitation Fairly stable except at ice edges Defined by ice not by type of plants Polar producers Algae mosses lichens Tundra only found in northern hemisphere Low temp but not as low as polar low precipitation Very few trees Permafrost layer of ice that never melts Tundra plants round plants cushion clumps fast reproduction during warm time Tundra Polar animals Slow metabolism Antifreeze Blubber fat Waterproof feathers animals acquire certain behaviors to survive Forest Lecture 101 Describe climate conditions and locations of taiga also know as boreal forests Coniferous forests cold moderate precipitation not as cold as polar or tundra 102 Distinguish between the environmental conditions of deciduous and evergreen forests and describe the impacts of deforestation and fires Deciduous wetter temp is warmer then evergreen forest Evergreens higher altitudes then deciduous evergreens can photosynthesize all year around Deforestation by 1920 most of the forests were gone for agriculture Loss of nutrients soil still nutrient poor soil erosion recovery is very slow or often incomplete Forest fires they attempted to stop all forest fires However fires actually recycle nutrients reduce insect damage and thin trees 103 Outline basic forest structure including the emergent layer canopy understory shrub layer herb layer and forest floor Top Emergent layer not many trees Middle Canopy layer Next understory big leaves for photosynthesis Next Shrub layer Next herb huge leaves Bottom forest floor limited light 104 Provide characteristic of tropical rainforests including species diversity and soil characteristics Close to Equator High Temperature High precipitation Light is limited Epiphytes grow on plants producers on plants because they need to be higher than ground floor to receive more sunlight High biodiversity wide range of animals High productivity photosynthesis Soils are nutrient poor Nutrients closely cycled by organisms dead organisms may remain on plants rather than falling to the ground Producers hold most of nutrients Many producers Biome Patterns Recitation Light 105 Examine how physical characteristics impact the patterns seen in biomes Light is electromagnetic radiation Visible spectrum is 380 to 750 nm Plants and aquatic producers are green green light is reflected back to the human eye Most abundant green pigment in producers is chlorophyll Low light conditions plants are often luscious green color High light conditions plants are often faded colors of green maybe even yellow Properties of water liquid at 0 to 100 degrees Celsius Water Water covers 71 of the world Water is polar Water is a good solvent Water is transparent Wind Forces that generate air currents High winds in mountains Wind causes erosion in indirect or direct ways Plants adapt by roots grow low to surface Temperature Changes in temp air pressure atmospheric composition earths rotation coriolis effect Air is cooler at higher altitudes because atmospheric pressure and moisture decrease 106 Describe plant adaptations to various environmental conditions Adaption s that assist in plants surviving in cool temperatures Rapid reproduction in warm periods leaf hairs trap moist heated air cushion plant shape maintains temperature small leaves minimize heat loss In deserts plants must have adaption s to be able to survive in low levels of moisture Leaf hairs small waxy leafs gray colors reflects light rosette plant shape round 107 Locate and map the major patters of human global land use Climate and Vegetation Laboratory 108 Investigate the relationship between climate and vegetation using different sources of data including graphs maps and data tables Climate long term Weather short term Changes in temperature and precipitation create seasonal changes 109 Examine how topography influences climate vegetation and population distribution in Oregon Mountainous regions receive less direct sunlight creating a number or different biomes and climates Flatter ground receives more direct sunlight creating similar biomes 110 Analyze climate data in a figure and explain how and why climates differ between Newport and Burns Oregon Newport is on the coast meaning less change is temp and precipitation throughout year Burns is farther east over the Cascade Mountain range creating the rainshadow affect Burns also receive drastic changes in temperature and precipitations throughout its different seasons Textbook Chapters 14 8 9 111 Explain general global patterns including why plants appear green the inevitability of change the relationship between area and species and the impact of rain shadows and latitude on habitats 112 Describe mountain zones and characteristics on mountain producers 113 Compare and contrast the characteristics of trees in different forests 114 Provide specific examples of organisms that live on trees and mark them n various manners 115 Describe grasses and how their structures relates to dominance in grassland biomes Grasslands Lecture Grasses in family Poaceae Drought tolerant Can re grow from base Grasses also provide habitat food shelter nesting materials 116 List the various names and locations of grasslands including prairie veld steppe papmas and rangeland Prairie North America short grass mixed grasses wheat tall grass corn East of Rocky Mountains rainshadow The farther east you go past the Rocky Mountains the taller the grass and the more moisture Directly east grazing short grass Next is mixed grasses wheat After this is tall grass corn South Africa mixed grass many

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