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BIO 211 Tunicates urochordata more closely related to chordates draw in water through incurrent siphon to filter food particles when attacked shoot water through excurrent siphon TUNI SIPHON gametophyte haploid generation in green algae and mosses the gametophyte generation is an actual free living haploid plant which produces gametes by mitosis gametohphyte dominant todays plants sporophyte diploid generation is dominant gametophyte is not free living in seed plants chordatates craniates vertebrates gnathostomes osthe lobe fin tetreapods amniotes sporophyte diploid generation generate haploid spores via meiosis modern land plants sporophyte dominant c c v g o l t a 8 cute cats visit goldfish olta SUBPHYLUMS cumpcaadarm 11 people can t always accept donation cephalochordata urochordata myxini petromyzontida chondrichthyes actinopterygii actinista dipnoi chordates notochord gnathostomes jaw osteichthyans lungs or lung derivatives tetrapods limbs with digits amphibia reptillia mammalia bilateral LED lophotochozoa PLARM ectysozoa deuterostomes Chordates notochord rod between digestive tube and nerve cord skeletal support skeleton develops and adult retains only remnants dorsal hollow nerve cord develops from plate of ectoderm develops into central nervous system pharyngeal slits or clefts suspension feeding gas exchange parts of ear head and neck and jaw post anal tail cephalochordata lancelets named for their shape suspension feeders retain chordate body plan urochordata tunicates more closely related to chordates resemble chordates during larval stage incurrent siphon outcurrent siphon craniates neural crest cells near dorsal part of closing neural tube forms bones and cartilage of the skull head myxini hagfish bottom dwelling host basal craniate small brain and tooth like formations cartilaginous skull vertebrates during cambrian period elaborate skull fin rays in the aquatic from petromyzontida lampreys oldest vertebrae clamp mouth onto live fish cartilage around notochord gnathostomes jaw evolved from pharyngeal slits outnumber jawless vertebrates chondrichthyes chondrichthyans sharks rays skates skeleton of mostly cartilage most oviparous and ovoviviparous Osteichthyes bony endoskeleton bony fish fishes operculum protect gill swim bladder buoyancy lateral line system most oviparous but some have internal fertilization Actinopterygii ray finned fishes during silurian period fins modified for maneuvering and defense ex yellow fin tuna red lion fish sea horse eel goby Lobe fins originated in silurian muscular pelvic and pectoral fins Actinistia Coelacanths Dipnoi lungfishes africa south america australia breathe air with one or two lungs Tetrapods four limbs with digits neck fusion of pelvic girls of the backbone absence of gills except some aquatic species ears Tiktaalik fishpod Fins gills lungs and scales fish characteristics Ribs neck bony fin flat skull eyes on top tetrapod characteristics Amphibians both ways of life moist skin to complement lungs external fertilization order urodela salamanders order anura frogs order apoda caecilians paedomorphosis retaining larval characteristic even when mature Amniotes extra embryonic membranes 1 amnion membrane around embryo 2 chorion between fetus and mother 3 yoke sac early nourishment 4 allantois gas exchange and waste Reptiles most ectothermic birds endothermic lepidosaurs 1 tuatara lizard like reptiles 2 squamates lizards and snakes turtles shell fuse to vertebrae clavicle and ribs crododilians archosaur lineage birds archosaurs with lots of modification for flight wings with keratin transitional fossil archaeopteryx toothed beck wing class long tail airfoil wing lack urinary bladder females with one ovary small gonads no teeth Mammalia development of mammary glands which produce milk hair

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OSU BI 211 - Tunicates

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