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ENSP Environmental policy gov action in response to environmental problems identify problem pursue goals and objectives us particular tools to achieve these goals action what gov does and inaction what they say not to do ex Let forest burn on its own not lowering the ozone standard not authorizing keystone xL binding and non binding questions for ENSP what s the problem what caused the problem what are the consequences of the problem what should be done about it who should take action when should that action take place who are the players in ENSP interest groups environmental and industries scientific researches public government levels branches non profit groups media problems and solutions defined by values science environment vs economy values affected by parents media views of nature religion where live policy requires value judgments to be made when deciding whether to act and how to act in the face of uncertain or incomplete info scientific research in an essential input to the policy process uncertainty new problems looking at future different inputs framing of the science proponents of regulation ex precautionary principle opponents of regulation ex Show doubt on science Obama made a big deal about Bush admin had changed science and were making everything seem better than it was the role of economics and the economy a challenging agenda in tough economic times government intervention vs free marketplace cost benefit analysis uncertainty values appropriate tool tragedy of the commons risk characterized by assumptions uncertainty and controversy probability of occurrence vs severity of harm don t think about the danger of cars or the sun as we should public perception vs risk assessment how likely is it that farm will occur Should we act to reduce the risk of improbable harm Obama s State of the Union energy America closer to energy independence the all of the above energy strategy oil natural gas if extracted safely solar didn t mention keystone XL nuclear coal renewable resources other than solar environment and public lands working with industries balancing both production and protection of environment climate change points out whether events that have happened climate change is a fact polarization and lack of bipartisanship arguments about proper size of government polar in gov infrastructure says he ll work on his own to slash bureaucracy Didn t finish said he ll act on his own w o congress legislative vs executive reaction from stakeholders GOP response ideology unilateral action environmental groups mixed industry groups mixed public opinion does the speech make a difference whether History of the Environmental movement early 17th century wilderness seen to be conquered wetlands built on forests cut mid 19th century nature writing and about how we should preserve it Henry David Thoreau mid late 19th to 20th century in the west creation of National Parks vs Response Klamath river base that it fought over by dif groups for dif purposes Los Angeles takes water from Colorado river resource exploitation gold rush 1849 homestead act of 1862 land privation for farming and ranching reclamation act of 1902 public construction of dams outcome entitlement klamath los Angeles 2 4 Resource Exploitation mid late 19thcent early 20th Gold rush 1849 homestead Act of 1862 land privatized for farming and ranching free access to minerals reclemation Act of 1902 provide water public construction of damns outcome entitlement Yellowstone National Park 1872 1st national park John Muir naturalist Gifford Pinchot w forest service department of agriculture Progressive Era 1890 1915 NATIONAL RESOURCES Preservation john Muir founded Sierra Club Protection of Wilderness areas for intrinsic value Education and recreation outcome creation of parks and monuments Conservation using resources but being wise about it Gifford Pinchot forseter efficient use and wise management of resources crops economic development TR adopted this approach to resource use PUBLIC HEALTH wastewater treatment improvements in nutrition and public health Outgrowth of Industrial Revolution at local NOT state or federal level New Deal 1930 FDR response to Great Depression and Dust Bowl Economic development environmental restoration examples Tennessee Valley Authorization TVA Civil Conservation Corps Hoover Damn parallels with today todays recession looking for new jobs use of water Post WWII 1950s and 60s increased public interest in recreation affluence people coming into money quality of life was becoming more concerning pollution troubling scientific discoveries DDT and Rachel Carson wrote to book Silent Spring in 1962 she brought attention to all the new pesticides and gases in lives Aftermath of the book industry response polarization DDT banned in US in 1972 Stockholm Treaty banned DDT malaria exceotion today ex west nile virus pesticide law media role events brining concern amongst the public Santa Barbra Oil Spill1962 Cuyahoga River Fire1952 1969 social movement more generally Evnironmental Movement 1970s Major Public Support Earth Day 1970 Major federal environmental statues passed with bipartisan support Nixon role clean water act clean air act NEPA EPA created process was opened up to public scrutiny Problems policy politics converged problems seemed simple solutions seemed obvious low hanging fruit Environmental Policy 1980 1992 Regan 1981 89 reduce the scope of the federal shift power of the states voluntary market based congress and public did not agree many laws were strengthened George H W Bush 1989 93 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments high public support distance from Regan Clinton 1990s advocate of the environment Al Gore VP Republican Congress wants to role back environmental protections reinvention market based solutions cooperation George W Bush 2001 2009 departure from Clinton pro business appointees industry and economy over environmental protection war on terrorism scientific integrity at issue Obama reserved many Bush Policies Strong action under CAA to reduce GHG emissions and Air toxins no change to Ozone Standard yet tough energy decisions still waiting New Paradigm Holistic Approaches sustainable Development ecosystem management adaptive management Policy Formulation and the Role of the Legislative Branch actors government legislative executive judicial influenced by environmentalists business groups fishermen farmers public scientists international community media Formation in theory steps 1 agenda

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UMD ENSP 102 - Environmental policy

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