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STUDY GUIDE FINAL EXAM CUMULATIVE PORTION MODULE 1 WHAT IS EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Educational psychology provides teachers with evidence based knowledge to support their day to day decision making in the classroom links the science of psychology to educational practice and WHAT ARE THE KEY ELEMENTS OF AN EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH STUDY Design purpose of the study o Descriptive designs Provide basic information about variables in a population without making connections among behaviors events or conditions Case study Ethnographic study o Correlational design Moves beyond description by answering questions about connections between variables CANNOT determine cause and effect CAN identify relationships between variables o Correlation coefficient Number between 1 0 and 1 0 that indicates type and strength of relationship between variables or indicates type of relationship Closer to 1 0 or 1 0 indicates stronger relationship o Experimental designs Used to establish cause and effect relationships between variables by random assignment and manipulating a variable Independent variable The variable presumed to have an effect on the dependent variable Dependent variable The outcome of the study o Quasi experimental designs Used to infer a cause effect relationship without random assignment of individuals or groups Cross sectional Examine two or more groups to compare behaviors Longitudinal Examine the same sample repeatedly to obtain information about changes over time Sample who is being studied o Sample A smaller set of individuals from a population of interest o Random sample Every person in the population of interest has an equal chance of being included o Volunteer bias Tendency for those who choose to participate in research studies to differ in some way from others who decline to participate Measures how the constructs of interest were measured o Measure Method for taking measurements o Types o Observation o Interviews Structured Open ended o Tests and surveys MODULE 2 WHAT IS AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING AUTHORITATIVE PERMISSIVE UNINVOLVED Authoritarian Parenting Limits are set and rules are enforced yet emotional connectedness is lacking Parents are inflexible unable to bend the rules in special or unusual circumstances o High in Control o Low in Responsiveness Authoritative Parenting Limits are set and rules are enforced but parents are flexible when necessary Parents and children exhibit a high level of emotional connectedness Parents do not set rules for behavior or do not enforce Permissive Parenting established rules However parents do have a close connection to their child Uninvolved Parenting typically are unaware of their child s behavior friends difficulties or achievements Parenting lacks both control and responsiveness Parents o High in Control o High in Responsiveness o Low in Control o High in Responsiveness o Low in Control o Low in Responsiveness WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A CLIQUE A CROWD Cliques small groups of two to eight people who know each other well o Similar in age SES race and shared activities larger reputation based peer groups Crowds o Ex Populars preps jocks brains nerds normals loners druggies stoners MODULE 3 DESCRIBE RECOGNIZE A PSYCHOSOCIAL CRISIS A theory coined by Erikson During each stage an individual faces new psychological and social challenge called a psychosocial crisis o DESCRIBE RECOGNIZE SELF ESTEEM SELF CONCEPT Self esteem An affective evaluation of oneself o Global self esteem Singular relatively stable characteristic of the self o Specific self esteem Separate components related to particular domains o Students from higher SES families are likely to have higher self esteem o Girls score higher on global self esteem until adolescence o Transition to middle school is more detrimental to the self esteem of girls o African Americans have higher self esteem in comparison to whites o Ethnicity plays a larger role for minority groups than for whites o Overall levels of self esteem have increased from previous generations Self concept A cognitive perception about oneself o Relates to educational setting as it includes perceptions of one s knowledge and abilities in different domains o A reciprocal relationship exists between academic self concept and achievement o A correlation exists between specific domains of academic self concept and achievement o Young girls have more positive self concepts o Middle school aged boys have higher self concepts o Boys in general have more positive self concepts in math and science o Middle school students with speech and language disorders have less positive self concepts for academic competence The key difference between self concept and self esteem is that the addition of feelings Self concept is simply the informational side of things where you know facts about what you are like Self esteem is how you feel about those things you know like whether you enjoy the fact that you are talkative at parties high self esteem or you think that you are annoying and need to learn to shut up sometimes low self esteem There are a variety of self esteem effects that can come from the self concept MODULE 4 WHAT IS TEMPERAMENT FEELINGS EMOTIONS Temperament Genetically based individual differences in emotion activity and self control that determine our patterns of responding to stimuli and events Emotion Complex constellations of physiological behavior and feeling that can have direct impact on student performance Feeling an emotional state or reaction MODULE 5 HOW DOES GILLIGAN S THEORY OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT DIFFER FROM KOHLBERG S Kohlberg o Three levels of moral reasoning Preconventional level Defined by self interest not using conventions of society Punishment obedience Focus on consequences of behavior Naive hedonistic or personal reward Focus on whether there will be a reward for behavior o What s in it for me Conventional level External authorities such as conventions and societal standards are the focus Interpersonal authority Children want to hold the same beliefs as parents and other family members Social authority People focus on social systems to determine laws and norms of behavior Postconventional Moves away from external authorities as the individual establishes personal convictions of right and wrong Morality of social contract Focus on personal decisions about Morality of individual principles Focus on the greater good for right and wrong society o Kohlberg measured levels of morality by presenting

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